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Fly Tying

OSD's Box full dry mayflys

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Friday in the mail another great set of dry flies


this one from Service Tech


IPB Image



rockworm -----Received


Big E ---------- Received




Marty Howard -Received


winefly --------Received


SullyTM -------Received


flykid ----- Received


Zach Bearden


Old Hat -------Received


Service Tech -Received


tyrite ---------Received


DrVette --------Received


OSD. -----------Ready

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I should get the last couple done tomorrow. And they will hit the mail on Monday. :yahoo:

I am attaching a shot of what is on the way.



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Guest Big E

Mine went to the post office today. Hope you all enjoy and thanks for hosting.

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Today is the deadline and we still have one set of flies to arive

I will wait untill the first of next week to sort and send the flies, maybe by that time we will have all the fly sets.




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I was hoping I would see the last set of flies come in the mail today, But <_<


So I guess I will start get the rest of the sets ready to send tomarrow.

unless some one lets me know the last set is on the way.



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Um, I would like to try a swap, but I am under 18. Is there any way that I can? If I can, I will tie a mayfly with an extended body. (I don't know what it is really called) I Don't know if I can join. This would be my first swap.

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You would be welcome to join this swap, but we are already past the due date

and the flies will be on the way back to the swappers tomarrow.


The best bet is to join a new swap just starting Up, and still looking for swappers.


Good Luck


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