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Been awhile, so its time for an update..Large post

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Been super busy. Life threw me a couple curve balls this spring, so I've been throwing myself into photography :)

Not a bad trade off :). A week hasn't gone by since Trout Openers where I haven't been doing something.


I did Trout Openers











I've started paying more time to landscape photography. My mentor in the OWC is psuhing me to do more and to get an agency. He likes what I have but I don't have enough. So free time has been spent trying to develop an eye for Landscapes, which imo Im weak at and living in boring Ontario doesn't help. Im seriously jealous of anyone who lives west of the great lakes. So much so I'm squirreling money aside to see if I can arrane a trip or two outwest ( BC, Montana, Utah) where landscape opportunities are whereever you happen to turn your head.










I've also been doing my usual event photogrpahy.


Did a Spey Clave













Did my first Tourney of the year, the AYA 2009 which is an event held simultaneously across North America for youth.










Have even manged to find a little time to do some fishing myself.

















In 30 mintes I leave for the deep woods (Algonquin Park) for a few days of looking for Moose and getting eaten alive. Next weekend I'm off to Montreal to cover another tourney the weekend after that BASS opens. God only knows when I'll get back on the water myself and toss a few dries


Never enough time in ones life.

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Great work John. I want you to know that we always have a place for you to stay in a spare bedroom if you decide to come out west. Utah is a beautiful state. Bare in mind you will have to put up with a few kids wanting you to take their picture :D


Good stuff as usual!



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Great pictures John. I've always liked your landscapes and I'd love to see more. Don't worry about greener grass elsewhere. Take it from somebody who's lived in a lot of places from Maine to the Rockies to the American South: there are plenty of landscape opportunities everywhere. Sometimes it's just a matter of taking a deep breath, stepping back and taking a fresh look. IMHO, intimate knowledge of an area and the willingness to keep exploring it are a lot more valuable than a stack of airline tickets. BTW, don't let those curve balls get you down; sooner or later, somebody's gonna hang one and you'll knock it ten rows deep.

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John Great captures, style and crisp as usual!! Sharp as a tack too! Like Jay if you come out West look us up. We live in some pretty awesome photo country. With Yellowstone, Tetons etc so close it makes for some nice scenic photos. I can be your caddy!! Again Awesome pictures!!

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Thanks guys, took a couple days to reply to process pics my trip into the bush.

Might just take you up on that J, if not this year maybe next. Been dreaming about it for years, Grand Teton, Yellowstone, Utah, Montanna, Idaho..close my eyes and throw a dart :)


figure it's time to do it.


Steel, yeah thats Barrand in the kilt :)

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