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Fly Tying


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About bigdewy

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  1. Copies of the book selling for $10 + $3 S&H. I bought one and it's bookstore fresh. Nothing in it for me, just passing along a good deal. http://www.ebay.com/itm/161227428392?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  2. Sixth Finger scissors get my vote.
  3. My bugs arrived a couple of days ago. Super work by a crew of talented tiers!! Thanks again for hosting Joe!!
  4. Your a very luck boy! Had you attempted to fire after that squib shot you'd have definitely at minimum had a bulge. I used to hunt ducks with my own reloads and had a squib now and then. I quickly learned to always check the barrel before the next shot and added a cleaning rod to my gear. Now go get some ringnecks!!
  5. bigdewy


    Deadly looking flies!!
  6. My package of peacock goodness arrived yesterday!! Gonna be some sore-mouthed bows with these great flies! Thanks again for hosting Shmang!!
  7. Merry Christmas to all my FTF buds!!
  8. Yes Bob, it's a Medalist 1494½. I love fishing with a Medalist and have been lucky enough to snap up quite a few over the years. They are hard to beat in my book.
  9. Albino Wino Midges are the hands of the USPS. Thanks again for hosting this swap Joe!!
  10. Glad they made the trip in one piece Matt. Thanks for the kind words about my flies. This pattern is a definite must for Great Basin and Sierra stillwaters in my book. Sheep Creek Special Strikes Again Thanks again for hosting Matt!!!
  11. Mine are tagged & bagged and headed to the USPS today! Thanks again for hosting Matt, you can never get too much peacock!!
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