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Any beginner swaps open?

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Bait Dunker's Ball (San Juan Wurm Swap) still has a few spots open. Can't get any more beginner than tying a piece of Chenille on a hook and calling it a worm :hyst:

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Bait Dunker's Ball (San Juan Wurm Swap) still has a few spots open. Can't get any more beginner than tying a piece of Chenille on a hook and calling it a worm :hyst:


You beat me to the punch rich :hyst: :hyst: If you tie a san juan wrong, who would know!


Wurm lovers unite! Our Wurm Overlord, Ross the Flytyingfreak has demanded your allegiance with the submission of many wurms.

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fishing around for any interest in a soft hackle swap...just posted it this very morning...Interested? Would be a great swap for beginners and novices!

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