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Fly Tying

Will it make me a better tyer?

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Hi All,


I’ve been away for the last 12 weeks. I decided to cash in my long service and try my hand at fine furniture making. (Scary considering my last woodwork experience goes back to High School).

Thought I’d share the result, a home for my Law Vise, hopefully it makes me a better tyer :P


The wood is NZ Southern Myrtle in case anyone is interested.










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Better tyer? Hard to say, but as the old saying goes "practice makes masters" so keeping your hands busy should indirectly improve your tying :)


But - a big but! - if you intended the thingy as a place for storage of your fly tying stuff it will make you one heck of a frustrated tyer, as it is by far too small to hold the amount of stuff a dedicated tyer truly needs (but never actually uses) :devil:

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Nice case fly_fischa, joints are beautiful and wood grain exquisite. But it's way too small. :crying:


But - a big but! - if you intended the thingy as a place for storage of your fly tying stuff it will make you one heck of a frustrated tyer, as it is by far too small to hold the amount of stuff a dedicated tyer truly needs (but never actually uses) :devil:


I have a new backyard shed installed, 11x14. It is 1½ time the space of the old one and already it is too small, but it was the biggest we could put on our lot, considering municipal bylaws for this.


Any way you slice it, whatever the size you build it, it will always be too small. :blink:

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Hi Guys,


Thanks for the feedback, I think I have to clarify this is not a tying station or tying storage device just a home for my vise.


I've been tying for a long time and know what you mean about storage space one room is never enough ;)

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Nice Woodwork with sweet dovetailing. Looks like it would be a perfect size for a traveling kit and will keep everything very well protected. Nice work.

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I don't know..... I think I need a closer look. Why don't you box it all up and ship it to me????? I'll let you know how the vice travelled in it's new home and test it for you...... indefinitely...=p


Looks great.... is the Law Vise worth the $$?? Honestly, I don't see it out performing my Nor-vise in anyway but I need a back up.

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:thumbup: That will definitely make you a better tier. A happy vise always ties better flies.

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Thanks guys it was a pretty difficult 12 weeks for someone with little woodworking knowledge, it means a lot to me that you like it. :D


JRG - Thanks for your generous offer but I wouldn't want to burden you with all that hard work :whistle:


Will the Law vise outperform the Nor-vise I'm not putting my head on that chopping block. Is it worth the $$$$ MOST DEFINITELY the only danger in getting it as a backup, you might find the backup getting a lot more use than necessary. One thing to consider is that the Law isn't a true inline rotary if that matters to you. If you want more info just PM me.


Arkansas Mike - I don't think I'll ever get sick of the Law It's the nicest vise I've ever used. I decided i'd earnt it after my cheap $50 Regal kit vise ran out of holding spots in the jaws. A friend of mine couldn't believe that I was using it and gave me a Dyna king voyager which I still use.


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Thanks cencafly.


Good to hear you're inspired to get back into the woodwork, the hardest thing is finding the time. I think I've just got too many hobbies and too little time ;)

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Very kewl... me like-ee!!!


Did you use plans or did you come up with this in your head?


I'd like to build something similar...

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