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Need help with material

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Hi everyone, I need help finding out what this material is...




What is the tailing material on this fly? I was thinking that its just bucktail but wasnt quite sure...



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The tail also looks to me like a natural material. Bucktail seems a likely choice.


The head appears to be one of the artificial fibers.


But what do I know?

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Yeah the head is some CCT Body Fur. It's like a Murdich Minnow except it use the CCT Body Fur. I like the look better than the chenille.

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I really cant tell from the pic that you posted, it could be anything from yak hair to islandic sheep hair . have you tried to google the pattern and see it there is a list online somewhere

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if you point us to the site you copied the photo from maybe there will be more clues to the material you are asking about.



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Not much to go on here (a picture of a dry pattern would be better) but looks like bucktail, saddle feathers, and a topping of krystal flash with some long white fiber (yak, temple dog, superhair, farrar blend, etc.).

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Ah, much better picture...first one made me think there was side hackle too. If you look around, you should be able to find bucktail as thin as in the picture. Maybe the stuff you are used to seeing is much thicker? If you shop around a bit, especially at the places that supply saltwater tiers, you should be able to find the right sort of bucktail Tail is tied very sparse, which many will say is the best way to go for creating the right profile (e.g. Bob Clouser & the Clouser minnow). Hadn't heard of CCT Body Hair before, but might have to see where I can find some, because I like the look of this fly wet.

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Without hesitation I'd trust the information provided at the website where the pattern and image were found if it was me.


The hook is only listed up to a #6 and sizes from an image if a ruler is not in the image can be misleading.

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Ah, much better picture...first one made me think there was side hackle too. If you look around, you should be able to find bucktail as thin as in the picture. Maybe the stuff you are used to seeing is much thicker? If you shop around a bit, especially at the places that supply saltwater tiers, you should be able to find the right sort of bucktail Tail is tied very sparse, which many will say is the best way to go for creating the right profile (e.g. Bob Clouser & the Clouser minnow). Hadn't heard of CCT Body Hair before, but might have to see where I can find some, because I like the look of this fly wet.

When I saw the material wet I loved the way it looked wet. it comes in two sizes 3/4" and 1 1/4". So far I've found you can get it at Hook and Hackle company in both sizes and all the colors. Or at Caddis fly shop in the 3/4 inch only and only some colors.

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