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First Competitive Fly Fishing Event

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I just got back from my first time ever competing in a fly fishing competition and am on cloud 9! 30 guys entered the tournament and a high percentage of these people I would consider great anglers and tough competition. Through preparation, sticking to my game plan and staying calm I was about to secure myself a 3rd place finish after fishing 3 of 6 40 minute sessions. The venue was still water fishing for rainbow trout in a stocked pond which you think would be a slaughter but the fish turned out not to be push overs. One section of the comp had an advantage as the feeding happens in that area so a few competitors who had the luck of the draw and got a good spot had a marked advantage. While fishing that section I was pushed over to the far left side of the area, outside of the feeding zone but still managed to land 3 fish and secure a second place ranking for that session. The rules were based loosely around the FIPS- Mouche competition rules with a few modifications to make it less intimidating for anglers such as myself who have never fished competitively before.


None of my friends outside of my fishing buddies seem to care about my outburst of happiness on this grand occasion so I figured I would share it here to let off some pent up steam, I cannot stop grinning, it is a great feeling.

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I'd probably rather have a root canal, but if one enjoys competitive fly fishing this sounds like a great event.

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I honestly in the past thought the same thing..I have a few books that touch on competitive fly fishing, that being Dynamic Nymphing and Tactical Fly Fishing that I have read through for knowledge more then anything. After reading both books I figured that competing at any level would take the fun right out of fishing for me and seemed way to serious. This contest was organized and put on by a gentleman who used to compete competitively in Europe for years and years and as I understand has also competed in a few Canadian events since he moved here a few years ago. In our area nothing of this sort ever takes places so he wanted to create an event to get new anglers interested in a different aspect of fishing.


Honestly the preparation, planning, tying of flies, more planning, more preparation and then trying to execute the game plan with changing variables was very exciting....trying to stay calm under pressure knowing if you blank the session you are out of the running is nerve wracking but it seems that I can perform under pressure...the last section I was stuck in had not had a fish caught in it two sessions prior, and through some change of tactics and staying calm I was able to pull out 4 fish and win the session......


It was a blast lol

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I admit to having a fling at bass tournaments decades ago but soon tired of that game and the shennanigans around it. It has gotten much worse since then.


I have zero interest in and a strong aversion to competitions based on fly fishing for trout. Most of the waters I fish would not lend themselves to it and there would be mayhem over any group tying up sections of public waters for such doings.



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BassMouth- Congratulations! Getting third in your first competition ever is great. Sounds like you invested a lot into the competition prior to the day of, and it paid off. Both in your result, and the amount of enjoyment you got out of the day. I've never fished competitively, so long as the group is like minded and there for fun, I imagine it could be a good time. Even if it hadn't been fun, you learned something's about yourself and your fishing. Your excitement is evident and well received. Thanks for sharing your report on your first comp.

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Congratulations on the 2nd place win, your first time competing. It's a rush, getting into the top few of a group tournament. BUT, would you still feel the same about competition fishing if, say, you'd been 30th?


Competition is okay if your winning ... not so okay if you're last.

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I would feel the same, I learned lots saw lots of old faces and made new friends learned new techniques. I went in figuring I would not do to well so it was a shock to finish up 3rd, competition for me at least is about doing my best abs growing and learning.

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