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Wiggle Tails

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I was thinking about this the other day, my wife has these large "bands" for physical therapy, silicone I think. They are pretty thin, she might be missing part of one in the near future.


I'm wondering if dipping them in boiling water and then twisting them will get the "wiggle" part to cooperate.

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Pour your own.


I'm sure plenty of other shops sell this stuff but google found this first.


You just need a shallow C shape and bingo, tails. That's my plan. In the thread I did I mentioned chamois too. It looks very very good in the water.

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could it be as easy as cutting a c-shape from chamois, suede, kitchen rubber glove, latex sheet etc



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could it be as easy as cutting a c-shape from chamois, suede, kitchen rubber glove, latex sheet etc



Have you tried it to see if it works?



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no i havent because i dont tie flies with wiggle tails but if YOU GOOGLE 'wiggle tails' most shops selling them are c shaped. check it out!


you asked how to make them...i gave you an idea


heres a couple more ideas ( maybe you'll like them...maybe not)




copy the photo and trace the shape on whatever wiggle tail material



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