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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by petelangevin

  1. I saw a posting on facebook where a guy used foam floor pads to cut his own popper heads. Is anyone here doing that? I am trying to find the floor pads to do it myself. They make great frogs.
  2. Canadian tube flies has tube adaptors to fit nearly every vise, they are quite inexpensive. Give them a look. There are a ton of sites in the USA that deal in tube stuff inexpensively as well.
  3. I took a saltwater tying class from jack before he got sick. What a great mind he had for tying. Wish I had taken a freshwater class as well.
  4. Great suggestion. I know what I will be tying tonight!
  5. I think so. I am going to have to sit at the vise with it. And fool around with it. See what I can do. Thanks for the info. I have not tied trout flies in some time. Anything below as 8 seems tiny.
  6. when you say solid coconut cream; would you be referring to the stuff sold in the Thia section of the grocery store? No i hit trader joes. Its a solid made from pureed coconut with the water extracted. Looks just like crisco shortening but tastes a hell of a lot better. If you have a trader joes, its the coconut cream in the brown can. Still has the natural coconut oil in it. Avoid the low fat green can!
  7. petelangevin


    The mrs and i changed up our diet recently and one of our new favorite things is bite sized chicken pieces wrapped in bacon. With dijon honey glaze. Awesome.
  8. Now i am not a new tyer but i recently acquired a great pheasant skin minus the tail and the wings. I know there are tons of patterns that can be tied from it. Any advice would be appreciated.
  9. Fishy fullum has a section on spoon flies made from dollar store fake fingernails in one of his books.
  10. I spoke to someone on another site who bought the ffs raptor, the jaws are french made but the rest of the vise is made in pakistan. He said the jaws worked well and were warranteed. He was happy with the vise.
  11. Penacillin! You never know what you will catch.
  12. Try flytyersdungeon they have dubbing cheap, and it comes in larger than normal packages. Should last a long time
  13. Great looking flies, considering you have open water I am envious, we have had nearly 8' of snow this month alone. I won't see open water til April. Tying keeps me sane.
  14. I stopped drinking it years ago when dunkins started killing my stomach, found out from a guy at New England coffee who was roasting for them, that they went to a cheap bean for filler. Flash forward 5 years, the Mrs got a keurig, got refillable pods to be eco friendly and discovered Starbucks French roast. Won't drink anything else. Not really that expensive considering bag costs. We use solid coconut cream in it as I don't use dairy anymore. Very nice. No sugar needed.
  15. Those single blade razors on my face scare the hell out of me, but the razor blades are awesome for deer hair. I am out and will be looking soon. Dollar tree will be my first stop. Keep posting cheap places to buy them.
  16. You could go to collins hackle and buy their pro tyers package. Its like 4 capes of their color choices for like 60$. I believe their saddles come with the capes.
  17. Cheech, that review of capes you and curtis did was awesome. I have seen the collins capes in person and ray cote sells them thru his shop as well. Good solid product for the money. Very eye opening across the varieties for what to expect. Will definitely help me with future purchases. For what i tie capes will last me a lifetime. Saddles and saltwater hackle, thats another story. Great article!
  18. I am just outside boston, had to work today so i was up early, snowblowed out. Went in, came home and cleaned up again. 20-26" of snow.
  19. Great vise. Was not sure it would go so high. Someone posted another starting at 250$.
  20. There is a nice dyna king sidewinder on ebay right now for less than 60$ plus shipping. Built like a tank.
  21. What about a pizza cutter. Cheap enough. Every dollar store has them.
  22. Cant find them local. 2xh 4xl streamer hooks. I am running low. Are there other options? I am not opposed to trying other brands.
  23. I have had norms bobbins since 96, long before i ever bought his vise, there is a learning curve and you have to load the thread on his spools, a little work is worth it. Mine have performed flawlessly since. I have 5 and would love a few more. No complaints here.
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