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Fly Tying


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About mikechell

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 07/29/1959

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  • Favorite Species
    Bass and sunfish
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  • Location
    Deltona, Florida

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  1. Talented family !!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpZAhMEjrxw
  2. This picture is when the shop had just been release for occupation ... It looks different now. But I'm just putting this picture here to show that I just paneled the entire shop with peg board.
  3. I have two 5 lb. dumbbell weights. Basically, they're plastic covered cement and they work well. But, I'm in a canoe, not a kayak when I am using them.
  4. Very nice, Bryon. Both the net and the shop. How do you have the shop set up inside? Mines a mess ... haven't really been able to concentrate on it for a long time.
  5. Welcome to the site, Kelly. I hope we see some great pictures of flies, tying and fish!
  6. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to everyone. Nice layout of flies, flytire.
  7. Yep, true statement Flytire. I feel the same way about actors/actresses. If I wanted the opinion of drama queens ... I'd ask my cats.
  8. Recently declassified photos from the D.A.R.T. mission.
  9. I've built shadow boxes for other items ... not flies. To show off a particular item, you don't change the item, you build the box to show it off. Do one with a narrow range of fly sizes. Once you get outside of that range, start another box with the next up/down range.
  10. mikechell

    Eagle Hunting

    While I am not into religions of any kind ... I do agree with those that recommend cutting off the hand(s) of thieves. Along those line, this guy should've had his dominate arm amputated AND put in jail for as many years as he spent hunting illegally.
  11. I keep mine with me in case I need emergency help. I use it to play games when I'm on the ... throne. Other than that, I rarely deal with it.
  12. AOL. We take advantage of the free/low cost benefits of AOL and due to that, it works well for us. I've got my "E-mail Preferences" set to "contact only", so I don't get anything spam-like on it. At work, we have an internal system linked to ".edu", so I don't get much garbage on that either.
  13. It will happen. Hopefully, when AI takes over, it will be less destructive than "The Matrix" or "Terminator" ... but probably not. I think Asimov's "I Robot" was as good a prediction as ever. Unfortunately, AI will take over before we have self aware super-capable robots to help us. We're likely doomed.
  14. Sorry for your damage, but glad to see you didn't suffer more severe losses.
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