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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by yetavon

  1. PoopDeck..... I'm not sure about the young part.... closer to 60 than 55
  2. It's a long complicated complete story, but we bought this house on 3/4 acres at auction for $6500. It ajoins the 3.25 acres we already owned. It's getting new everything.
  3. The adventure began with gutting it completely, then getting the building inspector to review our plans and approve a permit. then we got a temporary power pole placed, and after a year we got power back to the property. We also had worked on getting the garage poured and enclosed. Next step was replacing the pump in the well, digging a line to hook the camper sewer up, and just before Christmas we moved the camper on the property and have the garage for extra room... power water but no heat. but its nice to be able to do laundry here now.
  4. The house was originally built in 72, garage framed in 84, The garage was unfinished, dirt floor with plywood covering the opening. The main reason we decided to save it was the fire place.
  5. I defiantly want to get into tying again and some swaps. I need an escape from this project that consumes way too much of my mental and physically available time. We got a surprise offer on our home of 25 years, and went from 2200SQFT of house and 1400 of shop into 220 SQFT of camper and 2 portable sheds on 4 acres of property. The old house had been vacant about 10 years, meth heads living there totaly trashed it out, pulled everything possible for scrap, wiring out of the walls to. leaking roof and water damage. We even talked to the fire dept about burning it for training but it may be asbestos siding, so we decided to remodel it. 1st step was to completely gut the place.
  6. We have the Great Mountain Grill Davey Crockett and absolutely love it. Small enough for tailgating and travel camping. Big enough to feed a small army. Love that it runs off 12 volt. WiFi and programable temp control.... Plus there customer support is second to none.
  7. Did some dirt track racing, and street drags..... But then got involved Land Speed Racing Motorcycles... Was more wrenching than riding... that was the sons job. This was his fastest run.... I had nothing to do with this bike https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBZ7cj0gS6o
  8. This collection hasn't seen daylight in almost 4 years...
  9. Kim I'm looking forward to it... Just gotta get some stuff organized.
  10. Don't know Skeet.... Wife's PUT up with over 3 years in the camper.. with the garage we added 600 sqft to our 200... But she is wanting a real kitchen again. Besides, she's stuck with it this long, doubtful I can get rid of her...
  11. I'm hoping to... I had a blast with this forum years back. With the 3/15 deadline I have a good feeling I can manage it.
  12. Man alive has time flown by... I joined here in end of 2010, and over the next 4 years got to learn, trade and swap with some very talented people. Its funny an email alert for the Fun with Pheasant swap brought me back here.... The Life seemed to just get in the way every time I turned around... I havent tied a fly in over 7 years. Then in Sept of 2017 we sold our home of 25 years. We ended up in 5th wheel camper, and most of everything ended up packed into a storage building. Life still keeps me on the run, but getting a foothold. We have bought a house that needs alot of work, still in the camper But we got the garage usable and hoping to get back into swaps. now back to your regular scheduled programing
  13. Darrell, I'm going to stay as a possible... I havent looked at my tying stuff in a few years... Im not even sure if I still have a vise...LOL. Full story to come....
  14. I can relate to ya... We have been living in a camper a few years now... frozen water is a common issue for us.
  15. I just may have to jump in and tie for this one.... aint wrapped thread in forever it seems... I'm sure yall wont mind an extra fly no matter how bad it is... LOL
  16. Welcome back... think we've been in a few swaps years ago.
  17. I'm needing to get back into tying... if I can remember how to.....
  18. Thanks Mike... Things have been good for the most part... wife still lets me go fish every other month or so...
  19. I tied a screwed up Clouser for a swap many years back...tied all the bead chain eyes on 1st... Then not paying attention I didnt consider that the hook was flipped and tied my colors upside down till half way done.... Tossed them aside and started over.... One day I finally tried fishing with one... OMG... Bass and Brim tore them up. Apparently it mimic's a wounded dying minnow just ripe for the picking. Works very well on Crappie to
  20. And a while more... I need to get back to tying... Cant believe this much time has gone by....
  21. I think they just grabbed the pack and ran, got a friend looking around the local pawns, didn't think about CL....I chase trout and Warm water, and this trip I had both in my sites...
  22. Quite a while it seems, I amassed a fantastic collection thru swaps with some very great and talented folks on here. But life turned and I ended up stuffing the tying gear into a closet to make room for the MIL.....Can you say chew on a gun barrel..... I stepped aside and spent what little extra time I could putting those flies to use. Well last month someone must have thought I had a bad back, and to help me out they took my fishing pack out of my jump seat....With it they got my 3 wt reel, both NC/SC license, your normal fly junk collection of leaders, tippets, scissors, forceps, dressings and knot tools. A XP-10 camera and GPS, hell even a spare key to my truck. Thank the Lord they didn't look behind the seat and get the 3 rods......But the 7 boxes and tins of flies, most from swaps from here, are the most painful.....something you just cant buy at a store... So keep your eyes open, once I can get a few thinks settled I'll need to get back tying if I can get in a swap.
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