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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by Stuntsurvivalist

  1. These are all great flies, but clean your heads up a lil. I dont want to critique the flies to much because I am not an expert like the other people on This forum. My first bunch of flies looked alot worse then that. Keep tying practice hard and this will be ome a amazing hobby you will love forever.
  2. Im taking it outside today to learn how to cast. Ive watched a couple videos but it never hurts to watch more I did not expect it to be that light weight.
  3. I finally have my outfit in the mail. Its a 6wt 9ft 4pc redington crosswater, I cant wait to try it out.
  4. Great fly, fly tire. Doesnt chennile soaks up water fast though
  5. Ohh its because you girly girls dont like a lil thorn Hahaha Ive been hooked in a lot of places but not there.
  6. apparently ou didnt see my first fly haha
  7. You really need to make a video of you tying these flies there remarkable
  8. Here a little "doodle" I did over the weekend. Some great flies this month.
  9. How much deer hair do you buy? And how messy is you flytying area?
  10. I dont know if this is of any help but... http://www.gogetdelivery.com/shop-by-aisle/household-misc/paper-plastic/plastic-wrap/clear-plastic-wrap-66-2-3-yd-x-12-inch.html
  11. I maybe way off but is that weaved peacock herl?
  12. Our dog found this one yesterday hope we find more!
  13. Yup, whats the name of the fly your tying
  14. Im no expert but you could make those green legs in to Krystal flash and make the tail a very bright color marabou or something else thats bright that has sparkels in it. But if it is supposed to float or what you were shooting for never mind
  15. I dont think it matter pieces or full body, whole moose to whole rabbit or caribou pieces to beaver peices
  16. Hahaha I hate you flytire I shouldve seen that coming.
  17. Well we just had a cap and saddles why not do fur and hairs I will send mine in a lil while have to get them out and make them look all perty like.
  18. Skeet I think if we were all fishing for trees we all would be doing good. First. Id like to thank you for your service. Everyone starts out at the bottom of the mountain. When I first started the only tools I had was a CRAPPY vise, and a scissor. I would but the spool in my hand and and wrap it around the hook when I was done I put super glue on the head once it dried I cut the thread. I was taking feathers for wooly bugger and was trying to tie adams and taking deer tail and tying ants. (I didnt know it was deer tail). Everyone here will help you. All you have to do is ask.
  19. Thats funny! Hopefully she doesnt give it to you! Haha
  20. haha no they dont tose are some good looking birds.
  21. That does indeed sound fun ill have to look at one. And see what type of fly I could get.
  22. Can you find someone in your area that has a rooster? See if you can actually go look at the feathers and you will see for yourself how usable the hackle will be. Im sorry I have chickens and roosters. I should have specified. When I meant home grown I meant ones thats been bred for 25 to 40 years. Im sorry for the confusion
  23. Thank you all, and ill have to a take picture later and post it, and I was wondering how those fly swaps work
  24. Could someone please show a store hackle compared to a home grown hacle And jaydub dont take this post in the wrong way But the biggest reason I made this post is I live far out and its hard to just got to the store and drop 60 to 100 dollars for one color every week its not possible so I came up with the stupid conclusion to buy whiting chicks. Sure waiting 25 years is a figgin long time but if I need to get dome decent hackle with out asking my mom to drive Me to the fly shop and buy 1 item for $100 every week nope Thats what you call attempting suicide haha.
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