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Fly Tying

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Helloo my friends i under that you graham say that to your realictic wings you use photoshop, And that i under is where can i download it free and i dont need the best of the photoshop but just one like work to use to the wing whit , I hope you all my friends understand me..;) and graham i gonna say what the wing i haved to my stonelyfly it is potatoes protection,,( when it's get cold on the night so did you put the protection on the potateos, else can the potateos be very bad and it 's not gonna go too eat;) ((It is very good material ;) // magge

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Hi Marcus,


I use the full version of Photoshop, but it’s getting old, version 5.0


First I scan a set of wings into Photoshop, or open an insect photo.


Then I erase everything except for the wings, and then typically make a few color and contrast changes, all of which can be done with other programs.


Then I click on Edit.. Free Transform.. and turn the image so that the wings are either turned pointing straight up or to the sides, this way you can later layout more wings on a printable page.


Then I double the canvas size (not the image, just the background)


Then I make a new second layer in transparency mode.


Copy the original wing and paste it on the second layer, then move it so that it is not located on top of the original.


Then I select the second wing and click on Edit…Transform,,,Flip Horizontal.


Than you will have two opposing wings, both identical.


Then I change the wing sizing to be anatomically correct.


Then make a new canvas sized 8.5” x 11”


Then copy and paste the wings onto the sheet until the top row is full.


Then I click on Layers…Flatten image, which then allows for copying entire rows at a time to past below.


I hope this makes sense.


When I scan a set of wings I usually pick the nicer of the two wings, discard the other one, and make a set of two wings from the good one.



With stonefly heads and wing cases I get the bug perfectly horizontal and cut it down the middle, decide if the top or bottom looks best, and duplicate the process above to make nice printable stonefly parts. Instead of clicking Edit…Transform, Flip Horizontal, I click on Flip Vertical.


I like playing with Photoshop,


Today I started playing around trying to make a banner for the top of my web site. Haven’t decided if I like it yet, and all of the object as an separate layers, each of which can be tweeked. I’m sure to be playing with it more.






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Hi Marcus,

Okej Okje tank you graham you is amasing you is so cool whit your flies i gonna try thist wing and photoshop...Thank you so mutch...;) But have you MSN messenger graham?? And i wonder WHERE i can get THE photoshop free downloading it it somebody who know that?? // magge PS. i gonna set in photo on my realistic flies in this week but i haven't reach for i have was so busy whit my ideals and so one in the realistic...Ds. I hope you all my frienda understand me...

I use the full version of Photoshop, but it’s getting old, version 5.0


First I scan a set of wings into Photoshop, or open an insect photo.


Then I erase everything except for the wings, and then typically make a few color and contrast changes, all of which can be done with other programs.


Then I click on Edit.. Free Transform.. and turn the image so that the wings are either turned pointing straight up or to the sides, this way you can later layout more wings on a printable page.


Then I double the canvas size (not the image, just the background)


Then I make a new second layer in transparency mode.


Copy the original wing and paste it on the second layer, then move it so that it is not located on top of the original.


Then I select the second wing and click on Edit…Transform,,,Flip Horizontal.


Than you will have two opposing wings, both identical.


Then I change the wing sizing to be anatomically correct.


Then make a new canvas sized 8.5” x 11”


Then copy and paste the wings onto the sheet until the top row is full.


Then I click on Layers…Flatten image, which then allows for copying entire rows at a time to past below.


I hope this makes sense.


When I scan a set of wings I usually pick the nicer of the two wings, discard the other one, and make a set of two wings from the good one.



With stonefly heads and wing cases I get the bug perfectly horizontal and cut it down the middle, decide if the top or bottom looks best, and duplicate the process above to make nice printable stonefly parts. Instead of clicking Edit…Transform, Flip Horizontal, I click on Flip Vertical.


I like playing with Photoshop,


Today I started playing around trying to make a banner for the top of my web site. Haven’t decided if I like it yet, and all of the object as an separate layers, each of which can be tweeked. I’m sure to be playing with it more.







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Could you possibly repeat that in English,lol. You are definitely taking things to a new level with that technology.

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:bugeyes: :bugeyes: Are you kidding me Graham thats one very cool banner buddy!



:drunk: :wheelchair: :crutch: :bait :boxing: :boxed: :butt:

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Thanks guy's, I enjoy playing around with Photoshop. To make the banner I just took a few of my fishing photos and layered them on a blank canvas, and resized and re-positioned each layer where I wanted them. Then using the eraser, with different opacity setting, anywhere from 30% to 80%, I blended the layers and let some layers have the image below it viewable. I guess its hard to explain, but it was fun making the banner.




IPB Image

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Hello marcus and welcome to the forum!


Are you looking for the wings that graham make? If so try this link!


realistic wings by graham



Okej Je it's them i searched for thanks a lot for the help now i gonnna do Grahams reslistic insect wings ehhe have it good bentflyrod!! // magge

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Hi Marcus,


I use the full version of Photoshop, but it’s getting old, version 5.0


First I scan a set of wings into Photoshop, or open an insect photo.


Then I erase everything except for the wings, and then typically make a few color and contrast changes, all of which can be done with other programs.


Then I click on Edit.. Free Transform.. and turn the image so that the wings are either turned pointing straight up or to the sides, this way you can later layout more wings on a printable page.


Then I double the canvas size (not the image, just the background)


Then I make a new second layer in transparency mode.


Copy the original wing and paste it on the second layer, then move it so that it is not located on top of the original.


Then I select the second wing and click on Edit…Transform,,,Flip Horizontal.


Than you will have two opposing wings, both identical.


Then I change the wing sizing to be anatomically correct.


Then make a new canvas sized 8.5” x 11”


Then copy and paste the wings onto the sheet until the top row is full.


Then I click on Layers…Flatten image, which then allows for copying entire rows at a time to past below.


I hope this makes sense.


When I scan a set of wings I usually pick the nicer of the two wings, discard the other one, and make a set of two wings from the good one.



With stonefly heads and wing cases I get the bug perfectly horizontal and cut it down the middle, decide if the top or bottom looks best, and duplicate the process above to make nice printable stonefly parts. Instead of clicking Edit…Transform, Flip Horizontal, I click on Flip Vertical.


I like playing with Photoshop,


Today I started playing around trying to make a banner for the top of my web site. Haven’t decided if I like it yet, and all of the object as an separate layers, each of which can be tweeked. I’m sure to be playing with it more.






Okej Okej thanks a lot my friend Graham thanks very much...hehe i gonna download the photoshop...Thanks a lot buddy // magge


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