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Rope Dub Pictures Showing Several Types

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I ask Don for a couple of Picture that would show the variety of what you can do with this type tying and he sent me these two photos.


Kind of wish I had them so I could have taken the pictures separate.




This is a chunk of combed lamb's wool and the only additional material used was hackle.



Here's one for hare's ears:

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just curious can you control how "spiky or buggy" the dubbing turns out when using this method ??



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just curious can you control how "spiky or buggy" the dubbing turns out when using this method ??




Now mind you I am still learning, but I am pretty sure you can. I think it depends a lot on materials used. It seems you can almost tie any kind of fly this way and get even better results due to the way you can use the thread to rope on or even a piece of wire if you want more bullet proof. To your question I know if I tie with hares mask it going to be a lot more spiky than if I just use rabbit dubbing and same with squirrel. Probably depends on how much you pick it out because it will make a very tight rope if you want or losser if you are looking for more fluff on the fly. At least that is what I see.


I guess the really cool thing to me is lets say you want to make some peacock chenille and want some hackle on it. Well you can rope the Hurl and include the hackle with it and as you tighten the rope the hackle stick out and you can even see the stem as it's inside the rope so much more likely to last longer with out the hackle getting cut and if you did that on a piece of wire then it would even be more durable. I was watching the DVD again yesterday and watch this was very nice and made a great looking house fly. Picture below as he sent me one.


It would be a lot better if you just email Don from his site and don't think he would mind at all answering questions you may have. I am a novice at this for sure.



House Fly...



Then a dubbed fly with Hackle

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Can someone please show us some pictures of a step by step on this rope dub technique ? B)


Sorry the only place I know of is the DVD. It's pretty cool stuff and I am trying to learn, but I don't have enough time after I tie the jigs I have to for my orders.

I would be farther along, but my shoulder gave me a lot of trouble after the first of the year and I just got so far behind I am still trying to catch up. When I do I will

spend all my time doing this rope dub.

Besides even if I could teach it that wouldn't be very fair to the guy that spent the money making that DVD. Actually I am hoping he sells enough to make the second one planned

because it will have a lot more stuff in it and I want to learn all I can. He's been tying like this for 30 years and I have also been told by people that have tied a lot longer

that the DVD is the best way to learn. I know Denny Conrad of Conranch Hackle said he saw Don demo it at several shows and figured he would be able to do it once home,

but was not able to remember enough so had to buy the DVD. There is so much info on that DVD I wouldn't let mine out of my sight. I figure for the time saved tying that it's so

worth it because you can tie so much faster. Like you can do the dubbed body of a fly with segmented look and change of colors all at ones time in like 30 second to a minute.


I also plan on starting to use this rope dub on some of my jigs so I have something different than other jig tiers.



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Guess this post is just all about buying this guys DVD? I call it fly tying Spam in my book!!!!


Look at the nice pics of flies folk. But don't ask me anything on how to tye them, just buy the guys DVD.


Maybe I'm wrong, But i think people should share ther knowledge not just sell it. And maybe if I seen this guys technique I would buy his DVD. Sorry for being so vocal on this, But that's just how I am.. B)


Since most people on this FTF site are willing to show their technique from making and painting awesome poppers to tying realistic fly patterns. And I'm sure many of them could sell DVD's on the subject. But would rather chose to help other FTF members out then make a profit off them B)

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I don't have anything to do with the DVD and just like the whole idea. I don't know enough to show you how anyway and if this offend you then I am sorry about that too!


I don't have any way to show any of this method as I am not far enough into it to explain it so I guess you should just do without it.


If you guys wish I will just go back to where I have been for a long time and be busy with where I know who I am talking to!


I guess some people just want something for nothing and I can't help that either. I do know I paid more than you would if you bought it now as I paid $50 for it. If you want to come over to my house and see it I could do that.


If anyone else knows how to do this they probably would have said something by now. You must have SPAM in the brain as like I said have nothing to do with this DVD except I want the next one if he makes it.


I can do without being accused wrongly so I guess it's time to say adios to this board again. Some people are just skeptical and even spit out thing when they know nothing. Funny how it's seems to be the same people that want something for nothing huh?


Have a great day!



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Skip84. Sorry but i noticed your name on other forums talking about this same topic over time..And all about the guys DVD. When you google Rope Dub it's always a guy named skip pushing this DVD? That's why I got bent over this post. This is not my web site, and you can do what you please. Please don't stop posting or get upset b/c of my post. Maybe your 100% right! And I do have Spam on the brain.

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As in all of fly tying, it is one of many ways to achieve the same (or very similar) results. Nothing to get bent over, and also nothing revolutionary. Those are great looking flies, no question. They could be tied in at least a few different ways that I can think of just looking at the photos. Agreed that the more methods a tyer knows and practices, the better the tyer is... but there is no end-all-be-all of tying techniques.

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I dont see how this post is not spam. Especially considering you can find skip talking about this dvd and the technique on the web dating back over a year.


I will divulge what i know about the technique.

Rope dub tech After your thread is attached and positioned where you want your body to start pull out a tear-drop shaped hank of Dub and lightly roll it on the palm of your hand. Tie in the narrow end of the dubbing where only a few fibers extend.


Now hang the bobbin in your left hand and stretch out the dubbing alongside the thread for about 2" or so. The more you stretch, the finer or narrower your segments will be. Make sure you don't pull out the fibers that are tied in at the hook- that's your roping anchor.


Start spinning the dubbing around the thread with two fingers of each hand, counterclockwise, and just spinning the top portion of the dubbing. The base of the dubbing is tied at the hook, so as you spin the dubbing gets tighter and tighter around the thread. If the end closest to the hook doesn't spin around the thread completely give it a little booster spin with your right hand fingers. It will come along.


Continue to spin the dubbing until you can't spin it any more. You should now have a thread surrounded by a slim tapering rope of dubbing. I haven't a clue how this saves times as they claim.

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Yes I bought the DVD last July and have just been so busy I have not been able to really get to a point that I can practice enough to get it down. I tie and sell Crappie jigs and a few flies, none of them rope dub. I talk a lot on Crappie.com since I am what they call a super Mod there and also am one of the mods on the jig tying board. It's sort of my job to talk about things I find and point out what I think some would like a lot in tying.


I have a web site, but you will not find that DVD on there, but maybe a jig picture of one Don tied. I would have really appreciated someone asking me with a PM or something rather than just post junk that is not true. DO I like this technique, you bet and if you don't see the possibilities with this then you have not seen it nor do you know enough to talk about it.


This post is not spam because it's not my DVD and I don't sell it. I challenge any of you to find it for sale on my web site and I will give you the link gladly! Go one find it and while your at it check out where my site ranks for Hand tied Jigs with the major search engines!




At least one person on this board knew me enough to know I am a helpful sort (Mike) if you bother to ready the other post I made about this. I am trying to show people the possibilities and how much faster and easier things can be done even if I don't have time to learn it right my self. Also at least NJFlyMan looked up the right person with this style of tying. ANyone and I do mean anyone that sees this video and can't see how it would help them either has their mind made up already or doesn't want to see it, IMHO!


So I am just an old disabled guy that ties for something to do and got more orders than I can keep up with since my shoulder gave me trouble for about 6 weeks. I am so sorry I ever came back here even if I have been a member since 2006. So believe me when I say I sure wont be showing any more anything here as you guys are as quick of a trigger on your key board to accuse me as fast as I do on one of my guns when hunting deer and see a huge buck!


I am sure none of you that accuse without knowing care to take time to know anything without shooting off that key board.


You guys are really something else!


Hey you guys all have a great weekend and please don't buy that DVD because I wouldn't want to make you tying easier and faster for sure now. Try to help people and all they do is spit on you!


Oh I almost for got I am also a member of a Pipe Smoking Forum and I posted some of the pictures there to so I am sure it's spam and I am trying to sell a bunch of pipe smokers the DVD, LOL! Get real please!


Hope you have a wonderful weekend,


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Even more spam. WOW. Skip do you even know what spamming is? Cause you just keep on doing it. :lol: Also you say it saves time and thus speeds tying.... yet you do not use this technique when you tie your jigs.... I dont get it. Am i missing something here?

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Skip48 "This post is not spam because it's not my DVD and I don't sell it"


Just b/c it's not your DVD doesn't mean your not trying to spam me or other members. B)

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