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Fly Tying


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About Mickalo

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 10/06/1952

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    panfish, smallies and walleyes
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    N.W., Iowa

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  1. been using Gary Borger's Uni-body leader design for sometime works very well and easy to setup http://www.garyborger.com/2012/05/09/uni-body-to-harvey-style-leader/
  2. I've been ordering from David for about a year now & very happy with the service, and products, very prompt shipping(free) with great prices. Mike
  3. This forum has slowly gone down hill the past year or so, very poorly maintained, use to be an excellent place to visit. Seems like there's some sort of issues with this board all the time now. Too bad. Mike
  4. I've also noticed this same trend here in N.W., Iowa. This summer has been unseasonable cooler and allot more rain then normal too. The ponds & lakes I fish here are the same ones I've been fishing for about 5+ yrs now and this year the Bluegills have been allot larger then I remember in the past years. Possible due to the numbers of them compare to the bass population in these waters. A few of the gills I caught last week put a heafty bend in my 5wt bringing them in. Most are caugth on small streamers or tandom streamer rig with rubber leg type nymphs and a streamer as the point (bottom fly). I may have to try some top water poppers to see if that brings up those bigger bass. Mike
  5. Mickalo


    Using dark colored sharpies, like troutguy suggests does help, for me atleast, I wear bifocols with flip up sunglasses, too cheap to buy prescription sunglasses. I found by darking the ends of the leader/tippet, let dry for a minute or two, that it does really make the end to be tied stand out much better and more visiable. Mike
  6. Thanks for the info. a jar of this stuff would last me a long time and allot cheaper then using stuff like Watershed or Gink (I've heard that Gink is the same thing as Albolene) Are you talking about micro-fiber cloths like used for electronics ? Mike
  7. hairwing, Interesting. I seen this Albolene stuff around at my oldest daughters house and never though it could be used as a floatant. Is there a curing time after applied similar to watershed floatant? does it work applied to leaders also to help them float Mike
  8. came across this article a while back called "The Two Fly Setup"some interesting information. I always used the method of tying the dropper off the hook bend but recently I've been trying it with tying the dropper off the hook eye seems to work fairly well can't really see much difference and cast well with not much tangling. Mike
  9. Also good idea to watch for other people near. or behind you too, caught my daugther in the back of head one time, luckly it just got caugth in her hat. It can be a dangerous sport sometimes Mike
  10. Yea I hooked various parts of clothing over the years but first time actually into the flesh. Just pushed the hook point back through the skin, broke the hook off at the bend and pulled it through, barbed hooks now that's gotta be a real joy ... Ouch! Mike
  11. Well was doing some fish this morning at one of our local ponds caught a bunch of crappies there last week so thought I'd work it again to see if they where still around. Got my fly hung up in some weed beds near the shoreline, started reeling the line in as I waded toward to the fly, not realizing I was putting a bit of bow in the rod tip got about2 ft from the weeds ..... and bag the fly popped loose and hooked me right on my left had middle finger big time! Thank goddness I was using barbless hooks. Man that stings! First time in over 40 years fishing I hooked my self. And also got to break in our new first aid kit I just bougth about a week ago An experience I hope not to go through any time soon. Mike
  12. Thanks for the feedback. going to check it out this weekend in more depth, Looking for a nice 4wt outfit. The White River Fly shop has it's own online shop now kind of separate from BassPro. Maybe I just never noticed it before. I know they list White River products on BP site but this is the first time I've seen a separate online store from BP's site. Mike
  13. Hello, I recently found out that BassPro open a new online shop, White River Fly Shop Fly, guess it's an extension of BassPro. I was wondering if anyone has any experience with the White River fly fishing products I see they have some nice prices on Rods & Reels, Leaders and accessories. I used to buy allot of BassPro products back when I did allot of conventional fishing with spinning rods years ago. But haven't tried any of these fly fishing equiment. Hoping to get some feedback if you've used the White River fly fishing products. Thanks, Mike
  14. Bad Fish, very fimilar with Sufix lines used allot with my spinning reel gear didn't know they carried in a Hi-Vis Orange Color thanks of the info. Heavynets, I found that Stren earlier today when check some other items out on Caleba's site I may order some. Be interesting to see how visible Gold is in the waters. Mike
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