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Fly Tying

Michael Ringus

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About Michael Ringus

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  • Birthday 06/10/1965

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  • Favorite Species
    Brown Trout
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  • Location
    Loveland Colorado

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  1. No work. Playing around with francolin feathers
  2. I have a great deal of success on this fly even here in Colorado and I enjoyed an especially memorable day on the North Platte in Wyoming on this fly. The tail is red macaw. The other fly is my own concoction with Amgold pheasant and peacock in the wing
  3. Was sitting at the desk looking for inspiration this is what came out
  4. I plan on fishing a lot more older patterns this season any good ideas I have already tied up a mess of Coachmans Rio Grande kings ect any ideas on your favorites
  5. Thanks guys I will tye them both ways should be a killer
  6. I'm looking for a pattern called the Wright Royal I believe it is a Trude fly anybody know it Thanks Michael
  7. As a westerner I have bias for high floating atrractor patterns Jack Dennis' book on western flies is really good I tied all the flies in it when I first started it gave me a good foundation alot of the flies have fallen out of favor but they still work. There is a good section on muddler minnows and hair wing dries it's also interesting to see what kind of thinking went on before all the realistic patterns and no hackle patterns came out but all the other books mentioned are good too just pick one and tye everything in it that worked for me Michael
  8. This a nice first effort I have tied alot of stimmies they are my go to fly on my home river I would go heavier on the wing as suggested I also add red to mine this is an attractor pattern and red is good red dubbing in front of the wing or red wire ribbed through the body nice fly Michael
  9. This is my bench and it's actually clean. I'm very messy on the upside I lose so much stuff that it's like a christmas present when I find them. I do clean up though when tying Salmon flies Michael
  10. Mustad no longer makes the big hooks I purchased some 3890's a while back they are a 5/0 I have not seen any since. Would like some more, most guys that are reshaping hooks start with a 3366 sproat hook they are bronzed and need to be Japanned after the process they make a nice hook. It's a fun part of the hobby but you can buy nice hooks for alot cheaper.P.M. me for the my japan method Michael
  11. I use an old Renzetti given to me by a dear friend I learned on a Regal bought the vise 15 years ago has a chip in the jaw so I only use it for streamers and Bass bugs.
  12. I stated tying in my early teens my first fly was a Thor which is kinda funny because I live in Colorado. I caught a Bluegill on that fly and was hooked from then on. I'm new to this Forum also member of the Classic Salmon forum. I like this forum alot. Michael
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