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Fly Tying


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About niveker

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  1. Atherton #3 Dry Hook: 94840, #12 Thread: Kimono 100 #304, Golden Pavilion Tail: CDL barbs Body: Natural and dyed yellow seal fur Rib: DMC metallic gold thread Wing: wood duck Hackle: light dun and light barred ginger
  2. That's a good attempt. Good advise from those above, especially #4 from Silvercreek. For smaller hooks I'll leave the hackle off altogether. Are you cleaning as much of the underfur from the hair before stacking? That can get in the way of a good stack job. Sometimes to get a tightly wrapped/dubbed body, I make a thinner dubbing noodle and make 2 or 3 passes up and down the shank. Its easier to get a satisfactory taper and makes the body a little more durable.
  3. That is awesome! I bet it would also work great tied as a dry on a dead drift or dapping. Nice work.
  4. Very nice everyone. Such a great variety of ties. Norm, that's especially beautiful.
  5. My wife yelled from the bedroom asking, “Do you ever get a shooting pain across your body like someone’s got a voodoo doll of you and they’re stabbing it?” “No" I replied, a little concerned. She yelled back, “How about now?”
  6. Nice - not there yet though. My Mom used to rag on my Dad for falling asleep in front of the boob-tube before going to bed. Dad's response was "I'm practicing!"
  7. Nice - is that a named pattern? 👍 👍 👍 Is that 2 separate strips of foam for the bodies on #'s 3 & 4?
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