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Fly Tying


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About jacobellis008

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 08/08/1997

Previous Fields

  • Favorite Species
    Rainbow Trout
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  • Location
    Quilcene, WA

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  • Skype
  1. In about two weeks I will be moving to Slovakia for a whole year on a mission trip. There are rivers over there with trout and grayling. I was going to see what everyone thinks I should tie up before I leave. I've done a lot of trout fishing but I haven't done any fishing for grayling so I don't know much about it. Any input on what flies I should use would be much appreciated! -Jake
  2. I thought it was awesome!
  3. I like the look of how the Rit dye turned out!
  4. I love streams like the 4th pic! I'm Mainly just a trout guy
  5. Well I got my flies today, and I can say i'm impressed with everyone's work! I like seeing everyone's variations on the flies and I can't wait to try them out on the water! I enjoyed the challenge that went along with this swap, it was a bit pricey but it was fun. Thanks everyone who participated and thanks Piker20 for hosting it!
  6. Thanks for the responses everyone! My question is now what type of UV light to buy... I've heard they have to been in the 385-400 NM range....
  7. My rose petal and kaufman stone I believe turned out badly. I'm okay with what I get but if someone isn't satisfied just let me know and I can retry until I get it.
  8. I'm sorry if some of my flies aren't up to par...
  9. Watch Youtube videos man! Get the technique down before you start working on specific patterns. Like they say practice makes perfect! Keep with it!
  10. Very generous man! I'm still using my 30 dollar vise and it works like a champ!
  11. Hey you guys, does any one know of some cheaper options when starting out with UV resins? Thanks!
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