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Fly Tying


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About Galdrin

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  1. Davies videos is where I got the idea to try and make the same wax that he uses (more or less).
  2. Most of my dubbing I actually do without wax. But I was strugeling a bit with tying down feathers, tinsel and such and this is where I found that the wax with a high part of rosin did wonders for me.
  3. As so often with me one thing leads to another. In my case flytying lead to researching wax used for flytying and recently I have noticed that I spend more time on wax related subjects than on flytying I just had to post this for all those that thinks that wax is wax and there is nothing more to it. In my flytying I now use classic Cobblers wax (or handwax as it's also called), a modern variant of cobblers that doesn't tint the thread and a variant of Fraser Sandemans wax as described in his book from 1894 that is much softer and suitable for dubbing while still holding a large portion of rosin.
  4. Alexandra, slightly different from how it normally looks today. I tried to follow an old description of the fly from MOM's book.
  5. Bad picture but fun experiment. #14 hook emu feather spider
  6. Tried my hands in a Greenwell's Glory today. To large wings? That's a #10 hook.
  7. Chuck, please keep posting you advancement here if you have some spare time. I'm new to fly tying and I'm also going for the classic looks and just as you I've encountered some trouble with getting the wings to keep their form.
  8. Ok, now I need help with identifying theese feather. I know the box says optical mouse but I've never heard of a bird with that name The feathers are really fluffy and light weight and as soon as I touch the box I have small parts of the feathers floating around in the air, would hate to sneeze with the box opened. Could this be the Cul de Canard I've heard people talk about?
  9. Thanks you for the video, I'll check it out. Also thank you for the image of the Wyoming version. I'll try and make both for my collection. My goal is to make classic flies as they are described in the books but I'd also love to have some variants next to them.
  10. Stupid question but how do I make a Mikey Finn streamer without blending the yellow/red/yellow part of the bucktail? As soon as I start securing the bunches of bucktail to the hook it starts spreading and covers all.
  11. I've been trying to make a Europea 12 fly like the ones I see in pictures online. The last itteration came close enough I think. I think this was a really good learning experience.
  12. After trying out a few other materials I finally managed to make this fly that I'm quite pleased with for the moment. Short tail of a few barbs from a blue dun hackle. Dubbed natural hare body ribbed with yellow tying thread. Wing of mallard hen and a brown cock hackle.
  13. Trying my new wax while tying a Europea 12. The fly is better than last time and I now know that I won't be using bought wax for quite a while Edit: after looking at other dry flies I see that my hackle looks a bit long. It's way to long for a dry, isn't it?
  14. My wax actually melted and mixed really well. No lumps and it's "waxy" in room temperature, but if I hold it in my hand it becomes sticky. I'll try to bind a few flies with it tonight but so far I think it came out really well.
  15. No new flies but I've managed to source all the materials needed to make my own cobblers wax, not the dark version but the more amber colored version. So time to start cooking
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