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Sparkle yarn confusion

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Aunt Lydias is not antron trilobal yarn,,,,,it is sparkle yarn, a blend of clear mixed with colored yarn.


Gary L. researched the use of antron (trilobal) from hours of underwater observations of caddis emerging and the reflective qualities of the prism (trilobal) effect which closely immitates the caddis.


Dupont developed the antron for carpet fiber and no longer manufactures the material. Gary L. also had a university study the antron under very high magnification.


Check out true antron vs. sparkle yarn under a microscope and in the water,,,,there is a difference. Does the sparkle yarn work,,,,sure it does however, the real antron is nicer.


The exact yarn color is not as important as the light reflective properties.




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Okay I ebayed a little bit of Aunt Lydia's, let's see how she looks and works next to the "official" stuff I got from the bookmailer.


I'm going to order some of the sparkle yarn that Feather Craft recommends for this fly as well. It's becoming a bit of a personal oddysey, acquiring and detailing the variety of materials useful for this fly pattern....


FK, you're not the first person I've encountered to offer that sentiment. I will say that there is something unique about the "correct" yarn in the way it combs out and sparkles. None of my other synthetic sparkle yarns(of unknown origin) act that way, nor does the Z-lon. Definitely unique looking, the way the individual kinked fibers glisten at you when you comb it out.....


Interesting stuff. I've heard of a shop called Jack's Tackle that supposedly has a garage full of the "correct" antron yarns as well.....

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Bump from the depths once again.....


So I've been experimenting with some new materials. I should say "new to me", as they're certainly not brand new...anyway....


Feather Craft sells a material in hanks that they call "emerger sparkle yarn" and man o man is it nice for tying the sparkle pupa. It's very much like Z-lon, only somewhat finer, softer and looks great.


Additionally, the comments on Aunt Lydia's were right on. I got some of that as well and it looks great. Both would be seemingly good substitutes for the real deal antron yarn.


I will say, however, that none of the materials do exactly what the antron yarn I get from the bookmailer does. This yarn has a certain portion of it's fibers that is plane ole clear antron, you can see it when you comb it out. It sparkles under the light I use. I suspect that it is these specific fibers that looks so much like air bubbles when underwater- I think GAry says as much in his book, I'd need to reread it. None of the other products offer these clear antron filaments. DUnno how critical this * truly* is, but I believe it's why you hear the rhetoric that only specific yarns/materials will do the job.


So the FC emerger sparkle yarn and the Aunt Lydia's don't have these filaments and therefore don't directly mimic the airbubbles as was Gary LaF's original intent. They tie a wicked looking, sparkly caddis emerger, however headbang.gif

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Antron yarn could be a blend (mix) of Antron and any other material made into a yarn form. Antron is a "Tri-Lobal" or 3 sided nylon made by Dupont which is still available. The name Antron is a trademark name used only by Dupont and their distributors.


The same material is made by other manufacturers and it is called "Bright Nylon" and comes in many brightnesses, textures, deniers and etc. I have many types of "Bright Nylon" from various makers as well as from Dupont; extremely fine, coarse, dull appearance, silk like, nice sheen and what most tyers think of Antron...very bright. Take your pick of Bright Nylon. Most shops and wholesalers offer the one type... fine and bright. Some will blend well others do not. Nylon dyes fast and easy. This is a quick overview of Antron (Bright Nylon).


If you want an air bubble...use some clear hot glue and pull any yarn over and under. It's worked before.


Try some shiner and coarser poly yarn as these can have a nice sheen and holds its shape very well as compared to pure nylon yarns. Hope this helps.


Mad Scientist


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Fly Tyers Dungeon

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First, don't get hung up on small stuff like this. Substitution is great.


Second, Antron is made by Dupont mainly for carpeting. You can get a ton of this stuff in remnants and samples for almost nothing. It can also be dyed. Do a search by Antron and you will get factory sites, etc, and some that will send out color samples.


Or, just clip a small piece off from under the dresser when no one is looking. No one will notice till you move or rearrange the furniture.



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I have read and reread Gary L's work and his claim of the emergent pupae patterns effectiveness are based on using the "blended" fibres (dyed and clear). I have yet to find this "blended" yarn at flyshops or craft stores.


I use the The readily available "sparkle yarn" as a dubbing blend, wrap it as a body for soft hackles (works great for larger sizes) and have had success with emergers tied with it also. I'd like to try the right stuff for comparison.



Greycliffe Publishers (on the sponsor banner) claims to have the blended yarn for the emerger patterns. I've been avoiding it because its pricey, I guess I'll order some and check it out.

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Housatonic River Outfitters Cornwall Bridge Connecticut keeps all the color sof the yarn Gary used.He actually lived in Ct and fished the Housatonic river regularly.You will see reference to this in his books.The Housatonic is my local water and come near May there is prolific cadis pupae activity going on.

The sparkle pupa is deadly at this time.I have played around with different rig set ups with other pupae patterns fished along with the sparkle pupa,just to see what the fish take regularly. The sparkle pupa especially tied cream or light tan will produce hits all the time!

I personally think his yarn works differently from any other yarn.tons of tiny gas bubbles attach to the material creating a very similar appearance to the caddis pupa when they are darting around.His research in this area was very detailed,when researching for his book "caddis flies".That's good enough for me.

Good luck,

Harry Wallace.


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The Housatonic in CT is also my home water however, I "discovered" the antron caddis flies developed by Gary L. on a trip to Yellowstone Park in about 1986. Craig at Blue Ribbon Flies showed me the patterns and I purchased several for references, he also had some of the early antron yarn,,,,it came on a card with several colors of about 6 inches long blended onto one continuous yard long piece. It appeared to be a sample reference for colors. We cut out the color desired and made up the emergers and deep pupa patterns.


Upon returning home to CT,,,I was amazed at the additional effectiveness with the antron veil. It was and still is one of the best patterns for emerging caddis.



Fred Krow

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he also had some of the early antron yarn,,,,it came on a card with several colors of about 6 inches long blended onto one continuous yard long piece. It appeared to be a sample reference for colors.


I've got some that material as well, and it came from a generous tier in New England. Most of the colors aren't too useful, but that tan and grey are wonderful. Blue seems to be the new hotness in the flytying world, maybe it's time to twist up a few dark blue Emergent Sparkle Pupas, heh.

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I happen to know for a fact that the lafontaine sparkle yarn was commercially known as "Dazzleaire' and it is manufactured by Caron. Their website is www.caron.com

Apparently Caron stopped making Dazzleaire a couple of years ago, so it is harder to find these days. I scored mine in the closeout bins at Michael's (a craft store) for 99 cents a skein. Personally, I think the Dazzleaire is better than Aunt Lydia's- also dyes well, too!


I've got a lot, so if anyone is hurting for some colors to play with, PM me and I'll send ya some. Mom always said to share.


bros not pros,



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