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Fly Tying

I finally got my first story "published"

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Congratulations on getting your first article published.

After reading it my suggestion is that you purchase and use The Chicago Manual of Style.

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That was an amazingly passionate article and I enjoyed it immensely. Clearly, you have a depth beyond fishing and fly tying. Congratulations on having your piece published. My only words for you are to embrace the positive and dismiss the negative. Probably needless advice as I think you have the ability to sort through was has value to you.



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Gentleman, Thank you all for your kind and encouraging remarks, except Hot Tuna who I consider to be a crusty old fart but that's niether here nor there. Your comments inspire me1 I am really hoping to find a professional outdoor sports editor to work on my writting. I think my next peice will be about the theoretical and emtional basis for construction of the flies tied for steelhead. HMMM? I think I got some splainin to do Lucy!

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Hey man....congrats...that really is something to be proud of.....It's very difficult to write with that much passion and excitement in a way that the reader will feel it as well, you have accomplished that. I am not a steelhead angler, but after reading your article I wanted to be......Keep the great work coming.....don't mind people that try to knock you down, jealousy is an ugly thing.....

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Many fishermen will enjoy your writing style.

One suggestion. I did a word count on the article and it is 2242 words. That's at least twice what most sites are looking for (and about 4-5 times what mags want).

Keep the writing quality, but consider making it more compact.

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