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Fly Tying

Czech Nymph Swap!!!

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ok i think ill do a stone drone, but could somebody either post the recipe or a link to a recipe. Thanks


I think this is the recipe for it.. B)


Gamukatsu s10 barbless hook.

4mm tung bead

70 denier UTC thread

Grizzley Brown/Black rubber legs

0.020 lead

Brassie copper wire

Embroidery threads yellow/brown

Mike Mercer yellow stonefly dub thorax

stonefly color thinskin for 2 wing cases

What size do you think I should tie them in?


8 or 10

Wait..I was just looking at some pictures of the fly and where is the wing case?


Heres a good pic. Not tied by me though.



Ok thanks a lot for the picture. One last question, do you tie in the rubber legs in the front before you put the bead on?


Yes. I put the bead on the hook. Then the hook in the vise. Then I slide the bead backwards towards the bend so its out of my way. Then I attach the rubber legs. Then I slide up the bead.

but would you whip finish and then put the thread back on so it doesn't go over the bead?

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Yes you would. I whip finish back farther (near the 1/3 part) so when I pull my bead over i can restart the thread on the whip finish knot so it will never come out. Don't forget glue on the tie in point of the antennae.

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Fishingbobnelson,mybadhabit,dezod thanks for stepping up and joining the swap. B)


I just didn't want the other swappers who signed up going out of their way tying 12 flies and we only get six swappers for the swap.

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Geeze, I was FORCED to go to the fly shop to buy some stuff to be in this swap. I did manage to tie my first one after returning home with my bag of goodies. Apparently I will either have a bunch of rejects or a pile of razorblade debris before I get 12 to send. B)



LOL...Bob, Don't feel bad. I'm sure I'll be doing the same exact thing. B)

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I'll give it a go... that is if you can deal with a newb :blink: I've been wanting to tie and fish these for a long time, but just haven't done it... yet.



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I'll give it a go... that is if you can deal with a newb :blink: I've been wanting to tie and fish these for a long time, but just haven't done it... yet.




Jburge, Glad to have you.

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Here's the recipe for my contribution:


Tan Caddis Larva


Hook: TMC2499SP-BL #12

Thread: black 8/0 Uni

Weight: Lead-Free Wire (17-20 turns of .020")

Gills: CDC feather tip

Rib: #36 copper wire

Dorsal: 1/8“ Tan Scud-Back (dorsal abdomen)

Abdomen: Hare’s Ear

Thorax: Rusty-Brown Squirrel Dubbing

Legs: pick out squirrel

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Sign me up! I enjoy this style of fishing! Not sure what I'm going to tie yet.

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Swap Is now full!!! Yeah we did it... B)

This should be fun! I am starting to tie my flies today now that schools out :)

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