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Fly Tying


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About rockworm

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    brook trout
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  1. I seem to recall blue grouse being used in the tying of Spey flies. As a substitute for heron herl? But if you have a whole skin I would be interested in knowing if the wing or neck has small feathers suitable for tying North Country flies. Maybe along the leading edge of the wing?
  2. Many of us tyers tend to accumulate way more materials than we could ever use in a lifetime. And no one lives forever. So I was wondering what you old (and young) geezers hope happens to your fly tying stuff after you shuffle off your mortal coil. Have any of you made plans for the dispensation of those precious capes and irreplaceable Pearsall's gossamer? Consider this a practical not a morbid enquiry.
  3. Tye up a handful and treat half with a good floatant. Then compare their floatability.
  4. I used to preserve nymphs and larvae in an ethanol/glycerine mix. Methanol causes the tissue to become brittle resulting in fragmentation of your specimen. It is also rather toxic and, I believe, absorbed through the skin. Isopropanol can be used, but takes longer to penetrate into your sample. Best results are obtained by dehydrating the tissue slowly- passing your insects through a series of increasing concentration (ie 10% for 4 hour, 20% for 4 hours, 40% , and so on.) This is more important for the larger, softer specimens.
  5. Van Houten's technique appears dangerous. I wonder how he finds the needle when he's done... and many unplanned piercings he is responsible for.
  6. Elegant! ( Is that a dyed biot abdomen?)
  7. Either use a larger stacker, or a smaller clump of hair. Or--- even the tips before cutting them from the tail.
  8. Thanks, but I already have more skins than I need. And yes- if they're snowshoe hares the feet are very good for dries.
  9. It would be a shame to waste all that fine dubbing. You could preserve the skin or just the mask with salt and/or borax (a valuable learning experience if you don't already know how). Or you could just trim the fur off with clippers or scissors. Easy to wash, dye, blend and store. And save you lots of money on dubbing. What do you do with the feet? Are they snowshoe hares?
  10. I made this one a few years ago using perl. (I don't even know if it still works!) The graphics are terrible and the database is pretty small, but I have yet to find the time to make improvements. I remember it was actually an enjoyable challenge. http://www.fishermonk.com/trivia/triv07a.pl BTW I scored 20 on your quiz. (Greece was where the first flies were tied. Right?)
  11. I believe grayling were endemic here until the logging boom (literally) wiped out their habitat in the 1930s.
  12. I like the pattern very much. (But maybe a bit sparser than your example.) I may adapt this one to the caddis is my region. Thanks!
  13. I didn't know him. Probably wouldn't have liked him. But damn- That was a fine obit!
  14. rockworm

    Fly ID

    I can't figure out how you measured it but it is clearly what we in Canada call a "no-see-um!"
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