barrytheguide 0 Report post Posted December 14, 2017 Its coming up to Christmas and in its spirit and with all the bad stuff going on in the world how about we stop knocking Feather Emporium and give it a second chance? He has a wonderful website and materials that I personally would love to have. Maybe in the past they have been overwhelmed with orders and mistakes have been made. I for one am going to order some small value items from them and see how it goes. So how about other forum members do the same? Happy Christmas to All! Bazzer Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Flat Rock native 0 Report post Posted December 14, 2017 I join you in this sentiment Bazzer. Due to budget crunch already in play, it might be after Christmas. I know F Emporium is one of a few rare game bird sources out there. But, with family economics,I need to keep my budget realistic and try to get some free skins from hunting friend, I am seeking some less common hides (only legals) from Ptarmigan, Chukkar (French Partridge,) Quail, Prairie Chicken, Sage Chicken, Blue Grouse, Ruffed Grouse, Sharptail Grouse, less common Turkeys, etc. if found in any of 4 states where I have lived and worked since 1973. So I am interested in game birds found in Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, and Iowa and will happily take donations but sure I can fill in a blank or two from Dave within a couple of months. I am thinking of tying sets of well-known flies from these lesser- marketed feathers soon. I have Bob Whites, Ringnecks, Huns, and the Most common turkey species we have in Wyoming. Peacocks and Guineas, too, but think only a few ferals have been hunted so they are not really GAME birds. There are probably some others that do not come to my aging mind at this moment. Hope some others jump in here too. Forgive and forget is a good theme, pretty sure I have the latter concept already. So if you feel my plan will mesh with yours I am game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Flat Rock native 0 Report post Posted December 14, 2017 Fine idea Mr. Bazzer, see above Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Poopdeck 0 Report post Posted December 14, 2017 this really makes no sense regardless of the time of year. It's actually the season to avoid slow spotty service. I'll take a pass so as not to slow down the packing and shipping of your orders. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
flytire 0 Report post Posted December 14, 2017 wanna guess how many posts this thread will get to? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deaddrifter 0 Report post Posted December 14, 2017 9 pages Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Flat Rock native 0 Report post Posted December 14, 2017 wanna guess how many posts this thread will get to? Don't care flytire, no need to snipe on this thread, why not encouage him to succeed, if he fails there will be a big hole, in the rare and regular feather market. Never heard much issue with QUALITy of his product! Poopdeck, glass half FULL man. Christmas theme is redemption, originally. Respect your opinions guys, humor too, just disagree on these sentiment! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
flytire 0 Report post Posted December 14, 2017 no sniping at all and no need to preach just asking how many posts this thread will get to. pretty simple its not up to me if feather emporium fails or succeeds. hes a middle man for selling other businesses products not his own Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
David Parker 0 Report post Posted December 14, 2017 I must agree that FE has a beautiful web site. I was so impressed with the feathers available and various grades of them he had for sale, that I purchased some and had a bad dealing right away with FE. Whatever was going on with FE at that time, the poor customer service and very loooooong wait time forced me to cancel my order and that I had to get PayPal involved to get my $ back. That's the only part of the whole thing that worked out well in my case. I have read the replies to the FE threads and as for giving FE a second chance..........I must agree. Perhaps once I start reading something more positive than in the past. I still love their web site. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Flat Rock native 0 Report post Posted December 14, 2017 no sniping at all and no need to preach just asking how many posts this thread will get to. pretty simple its not up to me if feather emporium fails or succeeds. hes a middle man for selling other businesses products not his own And why do you care how many posts this generates. Please do not play the Prophet of Doom character, that's all. And, yeah there is a bit of a need to preach when one of my roles here is to help maintain civility, to PREVENT threads from being locked down Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
flytire 0 Report post Posted December 14, 2017 Whatever! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Flat Rock native 0 Report post Posted December 14, 2017 Whatever! Sorry, if I offended you flytire Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
whatfly 0 Report post Posted December 14, 2017 Perhaps I'm just lucky, but I've never had a problem with Feather Emporium and he has some products that are very hard if not impossible to find elsewhere. Not quite sure why this one-man shop is picked on more than any of the others of similar size with the same trouble, but it sure is a favorite target for the trolls. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mikechell 0 Report post Posted December 14, 2017 As with any business ... do a great job a hundred times, and maybe ... one of those customers will tell someone else. Do a bad job once ... and that customer will tell 100 people. I'll never run my own business. I don't like people enough to be nice to them all the time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted December 14, 2017 Perhaps I'm just lucky, but I've never had a problem with Feather Emporium and he has some products that are very hard if not impossible to find elsewhere. Not quite sure why this one-man shop is picked on more than any of the others of similar size with the same trouble, but it sure is a favorite target for the trolls. As I have said before, I have a hard time imagining that there is some huge conspiracy against FE. There are several similar sites with much better feedback. For example cookshill fly tying, and Feathers MC. The vast majority of Feathers MC reviews are wonderful, saying how John is the best souse and served as a mentor for many people. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites