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Fly Tying

Should have dripped the hot water too

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Kid went underneath and checked and no leaks and everything flowing. Weak pressure is town thing. Had  busted main and everyone in town dripping faucets is a lot more water running then we realize. Actually up to 18 degrees today and a week from today will be in the 60s.

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Wow, I happened to watch a piece of the news on what's going on down that way. Me watching the news is rarer than your current weather but that has to be an unbelievable burden for a region totally not built for that kind of protracted weather. I hope it warms up soon. My news is portraying it as a devastating humanitarian crisis, which is why I don't watch the news. I sure hope it's just the news grandstanding and trying to sieze the headlines and ratings for something that up our way would be a pain in the ass but far from a humanitarian crisis. But we are way better equipped from an individual standpoint for extended power outages in cold weather. Good luck and I hope everybody down that way comes out with some great stories to tell their grandkids but otherwise unscathed. 

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I live in Dallas, and pipes are breaking everywhere, they are thinking of giving people with plumbing licenses in other states permission to work here in TX just to help all those with broken lines.  It is so bad that millions of Texans don't have water or have to boil it before use.  I got lucky, only lost power for a minute or two and I have a slab home, it is all over the news that pipes are rupturing, they say that this will be the single greatest insurance loss in TX.

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