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Fly Tying


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About pnptrapp

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  1. I did actually use Sally on the thread just like flies. I never thought of using the white tips as parachutes.
  2. One of our neighbors had two turkeys that were butchered earlier this summer. I was gifted feathers from them for tying flies (great source and free!), but some of those feather's were just too pretty to not use for something else. This is what I tied with them. Out of curiosity what flies could those feather's be used for?
  3. So when you sit down to tie a fly, is there a certain number of one kind of fly you tie before moving onto other flies? I find I start with the intent of tying at least 5 flies of whatever type but usually end up only getting through three before I want to tie some other type. I always get sidetracked by seeing other materials in my stash, limited as it is. I'll see something I haven't used in a while or not at all and think I really want to use that or, maybe I should tie that fly do I have the materials? Then off I go. It probably also doesn't help I'm usually watching you tube videos while tying and just let them play unless I need instruction. Sometimes those will inspire the new fly I just have to tie... How many do you tie?
  4. Mike, Do the stacked hair mice and such that I've seen spin/wobble then?
  5. How can you tell it's going to spin/wobble just by looking at the pic?
  6. looking at the blue ribbon site now.
  7. Welcome! Very large knowledge base and very helpful individuals!
  8. Since I haven't been tying long, I was wondering do fly tying shops, both brick and motor and online, carry certain materials only part of the year? I'm looking for elk hair and have been having a hard time finding it in my go to shops. Since the people I know who hunt haven't gotten anything this year I can't get it from them... So my question is do the materials that have hunting seasons become scarce during the year?
  9. https://www.flymasters.com/ShopDetail.asp?d=44&i=248 According to these guys this is the 9672 hook. They've only just changed the model number. I ran across them looking for these hooks for a pattern I'm wanting to tie!
  10. Those are incredible. What do you use to make them?
  11. https://www.flymasters.com/ShopDetail.asp?d=44&i=274 This store I've been to personally and the staff there is really great. It's also the only place I've been able to find the foam spider/ant bodies without having to buy a whole kit. They have them in different colors and sizes.
  12. pnptrapp


    Nice to meet you CJ!
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