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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by Scud

  1. Fantastic flies. I may steal a few of those. Thanks Jeremy
  2. Welcome. Thank you for serving our country. I'm sure you're tired of hearing it but ask away. We all started somewhere. Now that you're addicted it's all down hill from here. LOL. Just remember buy only what you need not what you think you need. The collection will grow fast. Jeremy
  3. My computer must be broken. I can't see the pics? Jeremy
  4. They also make midge saddle necks. That would probably be the best as most of the saddles will tie 18 and smaller. There should be a few larger for 16's. Midge saddles This is a link to midge saddles. I'm buy these for BWO's Jeremy
  5. I voted dun. I probably tie the most with it, but it depends on what I'm tying. I agree with all of the above as a good choice. Jeremy
  6. That sounds great. But i have to agree with J, my limit is 1 dozen of a pattern and it time to change. Jeremy
  7. Thanks to everyone for posting. I've been using white, light green and orange. They look cool in the box. Jeremy
  8. I agree. He changed the sound of music.
  9. Bro I work with S**T. Litterely. I work in a sewerage treatment plant. 5th largest in the country. I wish my own spit bacteria was the only bacteria I dealt with. If you or a hospital or morge or jail or crackhouse sends it down the drain or toilet I SEE IT. Jeremy
  10. Don't let it bother you. Alot of people around here are purists and only like to fish and tie catskill style dry flies. Me, I tie anything that catches fish. I think catskill flies looks great but try to fish a siz 12 or 14 sulpher or adams on 5x or 6x. You end up in knots. But a parachute with poly wing works and is great. I think foam on Stimis is better than dubbing. LIke othrs said, tie what you like and be creative. If a hunk of shag carpet does it for you then do it. Jeremy
  11. You use hen capes for soft hackles. I use partridge or brown hen capes for them. I think they were between $10 and $20. Buy the cape. L Stockard sells them. Jeremy
  12. I use mostly uni 6/0 and 8/0 on all my flies. Every now and then the thread comes out of the bobbin a little frayed. I don't know if it's the thread or somthing in the bobbin. Is there a way to check the inside of the bobbin? They are all ceramic tipped. Jeremy
  13. Looks great, Bow or gun? Jeremy
  14. Hi, Jeremy. A friend is going to loan me one so I can try them out before buying. After I use them a few days, I'll let you know what I think. Mike Hi Jeremy, I have 20 or so C&F bobbins, and just love them. The tension stays good for a long time. They are machined right where you pinch them, for great control. I have even run over the tube with my chain wheel against concrete and it did not break. Fred turned me on to the Rite bobbin, and is it very nice, less expensive, and the tension adjustment is a very good idea. After 41 years tying though, I just could not get used to the single arm. Cheers, Futzer. Futzer, thanks for the info. Did you find some where to get a better price or is the place I saw them ripping me off? They were like 45.00. I didn't see them at my normal shop. The place I saw them sells everything. Jeremy
  15. Maybe I'll try the dental threader. Sounds good
  16. As oppossed to old dirty thread? I've never tried to reuse thread. Where does the big chunk of junk come from? I've never experienced that and want to avoid it. Jeremy
  17. I suck it through the tube. It's the easiest and nothing to loose. Jeremy
  18. Spreading the feet will make all the difference. I have only used standard bobins line the Tiemcos. I find if I make them a little looser than needed I can squeeze a little if I need a little more tension for a lock down. Mike, I like the new C&F but are they really worth the 45.00 for one? Jeremy
  19. Thanks to everyone. I haven't had much problems but I wanted others opinions. Jeremy
  20. I love to look at those pics. I can only dream of a room like that. You should also try Craigslist. I'd love to do a rolltop desk. I made mine and like it for now. Jeremy
  21. Thanks, I didn't think so. I love florescent orange for low light. Jeremy
  22. I was wondering what color posts does everyone tie in. I use white mostly but I will tie in some black for glare situations and some Orange for darker times. Does anybody think that the bright colors will scare fish? Jeremy
  23. Scud


    Sorry man, I'm stealing that one. It's great. Jeremy
  24. Sulphurs and Lt. Cahills. Parachute style. I'll post pics later Jeremy
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