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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by xspook2158

  1. Ron Howdy, You stated you wish you had more to offer. I have never seen anything more important then the willingness to learn something new. Welcome to the forum!! Jeff
  2. Lost Welcome to the forum, sounds as though you have the fishing bug. Well you are in a Great Place to get help or advice if you need it. If I can ever help let me know. Jeff
  3. I guess I will have to be different. When I was searching for a boat, I looked at everything fron a flat bottom to a full fledge drift boat. But I chose neither. I decided on the Model M-2, Two Man Creek Boat. the draw back is that it only has room for two people and is a modified flat bottom canoe. It is powered by a DIGITAL, Motor Guide Trolling Motor with 54 Lbs of thrust and guided by foot pedals to steer the boat. You push the left pedal it steers to the left, push the right it goes right, keeps your hands free. The boat itself only weights 100 Lbs. the motor less then 20 Lbs. I recommend carring 2 batteries, just in case but adds extra weight. This boat is not for everyone, but was a great choice for me. http://www.creekboats.com/greentop_2man.htm You will probably need to copy that link into your browser. Jeff
  4. I thank all you guys for the response. I like the challenges that I have to overcome when fishing wild streams. The flies have to reflect both the look and the size or phase of a certian hatch for that area and that time of the month or year. Wow that can be a challange. Then you have the fact that wild fish are a bit more spooky and less likly to be fooled by a poorly tied fly or bad presentation. Then you have the terrain to consider. How will it limit your cast? Will you have to change youre delivery or fly presentation? Stocked streams also have their challanges. They tend to be over fished and used to most of the tricks, techingues and flies that we use. I would like to touch on Stream and Habitat improvement. How can we do this without disrupting or changing the streams? Bottom line is: I guess that is why they call it fishing and not catching, ROFL. I hope to see more responses. Jeff
  5. Sorry I have been away for awhile. I checked in from time too time. I missed you guys.I was workimg on a new design for a fly vise. Well didn't work out so good. I did not search back far enough on the patents. Well we sometimes learn the hard way. The vise was not an issue, I over looked simple things, such as the turning mech. I used a wheel type device like a Old White Sewing Machine Used. We all learn. Jeff
  6. Do you prefer a wild stream or stocked steam? How does the techniques differ. I am 6ft 8 the wild streams make me use casts that I would not usually use, such as the Bow and Arrow Cast and the flies more true to nature. The stocked streams are usually over fished and creates their own challange. So may I ask what is you view? Jeff
  7. The chart that Piker20 provided is a great starting point for any type of fly. I tend to use the hollow Bead Chain eyes and use lead wire wrap for additional weight on the shank if needed. I feel I have more control over depth and function that way. Jeff
  8. Whis may be too simple. But what about A Vise With A True 360 % Rotation Jeff
  9. All were showing removed. Could not niew any Jeff
  10. I do not fish for tarpon, but as fishers we have to protect what we all do, and not just what we alone fish. Mine Sig is here if you want it jef
  11. Very nice is it weighted or a floater Jeff
  12. We welcome you to the room, or just my opinion, but we always need new blood it what makes the room work. Jeff
  13. River, very nice fly as mean as that looks I would fish it any way it wanted. ROFL I would throw upstrean and let it flow down, with a gentle tug to either side. I would pay close attention to the stream bank. Jeff
  14. When are the flies due? Please don't tell me yesterday. jeff
  15. How many flies do we need to tye? I know they have to be of the same style, what about the same hook size? Jeff
  16. I would also like a spot, to try my hand. If accepted message me, the posts change so fast in here. Jeff
  17. Welcome. I hope you enjoy, they are a lot of guys and gals here that are always there to help. I would hate too be the one that had to total all of the years of experience in this room. Jeff
  18. Count me in if its not too late. Jeff
  19. Deeky Very nice hair and scizzor work. That should get some attention! What materials did you use? jeff
  20. I have also been in that chat room and no one is ever there. I wonder if there is a way to make and alert to when someone joins the chat to alert other members. I think that would help greatly. Jeff
  21. Very nice flies. I was lucky I married a woman that whose mom was a John Wayne fan, it helped prepare my wife for what was to come ROFL. By the way I also loved Airwolf, what a fishing and hunting tool it would be! Jeff
  22. That is a nice flowing fly, what type of hair was used to cause that effect Jeff
  23. I think the blur was rreffering to the Pic quality, not all cams take a good micro shot. The fly was good. I would like to have seen some eyes. On the fly, I saw no other fault in your fly. jeff
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