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Fly Tying

patrick carroll

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About patrick carroll

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    bass, trout,gills
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  1. In most of the swaps that I have been in or have been the meister, the target date is usually made. If a swapper is going to have a problem meeting the target date, the least I would expect from a swapper would be to communicate at the very earliest time. We understand that things do happen, but at least we aren't left in the dark, and may be forced to hold the swap up for whatever reason. I didn't have the best experience with my last swap, so , of course , I am very skeptical of hosting any more swaps. Out of common courtesy for our fellow swappers , we want the swaps to be a great way to display our talents and also see what our fellow tyers are sending our way. have a good one pat carroll
  2. hi marc I was surprised you got the gurglers this soon, had my doubts. well, it seems you might be doing some experimenting, there are definitely some awesome gurlers to check out. I would guess this should be wrapping this swap up. hope it met all your expectations. I have gurglers jumping all over the fly tying room, they are begging to be unleashed and go on pursuit of some gills and bass!!! are those fishies in for some nasty times, oh well, such is life in the " fast gurgler lanes." have a good one pat carroll
  3. marc there was enough money for the postage. I am holding the balance in case the package lands at my doorsteps. once you receive the gurglers, the money will be sent your way. Seems as though, the gurglers have landed in the U.S.A., now let's have a quick trip to your neck of the woods. I want to thank all of you for being in this swap, the extra flies were most appreciated. you "gurgler tyers " came thru like champs, outstanding swap. The gills and bass ain't got a chance. have a good one pat carroll
  4. I will add a few comments from the swapmeister side of a swap.I notice there are a lot of new swappers , so there are a few things to strongly consider in a swap. most swaps have a completion date for the swap, definitely try to meet the date, if not let the meister know,as soon as possibe. in a recent swap that I had ,an individual posted three messages that his flies were being mailed out and for whatever reason, the flies were never mailed. I was forced to keep holding the delivery of flies, which ,of course held the swap up by a couple weeks. any kind of message, in this case would have been expected.I never did get any reply from this individual. As a result this swap , should have been fabulous, but I had to rate is as somewhat awesome!!! this is very frustrating for the swap meister,as in most cases there is plenty of time. these swaps are great to get involved with, you will get a chance to showcase your talents and you will get some great flies , in return. definitely take consideration for your fellow swappers , jump in and get your feet wet. have a good one pat carroll
  5. I thought you guys would like the gurglers. thanks for the comments and your participation is this swap. Surprised the packages landed at your doorsteps, so soon. It seems as though there are a few woodworkers among the 'gurgler tyers". A few years ago , I read an article about a wooodworker making replicas of flies, out of wood with some illustrations. Of course, I accepted the challenge, and made a couple using my scroll saw. My first fly was the royal coachman, it was approx. 13 inches long, and didn't come out too bad. The suggested wood was alder, the bend of the hook was a challenge, but I felt pretty good with the results. Now wouldn't that be a swap!!! enjoy the gurglers, and have a good one pat carroll
  6. hopefully in the next couple days, you "gurgler tyers" , will finally get your hands on the bass and gill slayers. I was able to make the trip to the post office. don't know if your neck of the woods is ready for any fishing, but you must be getting a little antsy. southern californee today was in the 70's , and possibly a little warmer over the weekend. have a great weekend and try to behave pat carroll
  7. well, the gurgler packages are taped and ready to mail out. my intentions are to mail them out tomorrow. flyderaght, my only attempt to mail flies to Canada,a few years ago, was an adventure. hopefully things will run smoothly. mr.vegas, no show with your package. when they show up, I'll return them.couldn't hold the swap up any longer. sorry, you missed out on some great gurglers. gurgler tyers, you are some fine tyers, and thanks for an awesome display of talent!!! very shortly, this old, old guy is going to hang up the swap meister hat and get into playing around with some woodworking. recently, I got involved with intarsia which has been very addictive!!! stay tuned and let me know when your pakages show up, have a good one pat carroll
  8. well, gurgler tyers, I'm at a loss for words!!! Don't have a clue where the last package of gurglers could be hiding. Friday is the deadline, no more delays. again I apologize, hopefully the awesome gurglers you have sent will offset the late delivery. I really enjoy the opportunity being involved with this swap, for you first timers hopefully it will be one of many swaps for you to get involved with. don't let the delay of this swap create any hesitancy to get into other swaps. have a good one pat carroll
  9. so far, I haven't received the gurglers from mr.vegas, he sent a message that they were being mailed to me at least a week ago. If they don't show tomorrow, I will make plans to ship the packages out in the next couple days. sorry for the delay, I know you are anxious to get your hands on these gurglers. you will all get the extra flies back , since we had a couple no shows. keep posted and I"ll get things rolling on this end, have a good one pat carroll
  10. hope this finds all you gurgler tyers doing fine. 1.pat carroll - california 2. mr.vegas - nevada 3. foambug - colorado- no show- missed out on a good un' 4. The Yman - tennessee- received 5. o2fsh - connecticut - received 6. c. teeter - missouri- received 7. yetavon - north carolina - received 8. kayaker stan - new york- received 9. jack tjl - pennsylvania - received 10. smokinprince - maryland- received 11. hufflehill - maryland- received 12. flyderaght - ontario- received 13. fish-skeez - pennsylvania- received 14. Mowestflyfisher - missouri- received have a good one pat carroll
  11. with the latest weather news, you guys in the northeast are getting hit with more snow. just what you need. still no sign of the last package of gurglers. if they don't arrive by friday, I will start to mail the gurglers over the weekend!!! have a good one pat carroll
  12. stay tuned mr. vegas, maybe the next day or so you may get wet. lots of snow in the local mountains, surrounding mountains looking pretty good. mr.vegas, when your package arrives. I will get the gurglers sorted out, and on their way. what an awesome assortment of gurglers, you tyers will be very pleased!!! have a good one pat carroll
  13. smokinprince, your gurglers were delivered to my doorstep today. awesome looking flies, thanks for the extras. one more package of gurglers to go, what a great looking job of tying, you tyers are a talented group. have a good one pat carroll
  14. I recently got back into woodworking, and started to do some intarsia. Its shaping different species of woods, putting them together and making different projects. I have done an eagle, an elk, wolf and other projects. I used approx. 140 pieces of wood on the eagle, it was approx. 24" x 24". woods used were walnut, oak, maple , hickory and pine. Its a challenge and very addictive. The key is being very selective in your choices of wood and paying particular attention to the different grains and wood colors. have a good one pat carroll
  15. just happened to check my mail out today, and there was a package of " canadian gurglers"". great job, flyderaght. rumor has it , the last couple packages are californee bound, then the gurglers will be on their way!! this neck of the woods is getting hit with a lot of rain, which means a lot of mud slides and the typical california storm problems, then we will send it on its way to las vegas, be prepared mr. vegas!!! keep dry, stay warm and hang in there pat carroll
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