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Fly Tying


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About notenuftoys

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  1. Not sure about Mike's reason, but when tying large bass streamers a single bag doesn't go that far. A cheaper option is always good.
  2. Thanks for sharing the response, Mike. I might have to order some too.
  3. Maybe it was the New Year's Eve bourbon, but I was sitting around thinking about what to tie when I got the idea of a smaller version of a Matuka. I started with a size 12.
  4. I'm not sure if the local craft store has the right size. I've bought smaller bags the same size as some of the Hareline materials at Hobby Lobby. But I've never looked for the bigger bags.
  5. I don't like split shot at all - just a personal aversion to using it. I found success using a tungsten bead #18 or 20 zebra midge with an unweighted trailing nymph. So to answer the OP's question, I use both beads and non-beaded nymphs as conditions and "style" dictate.
  6. Ever been sitting around and all of a sudden an idea for a fly pops in your head? No? Seek counseling? It's a mental illness? Yea, all probably right. Anyway, the idea was to make something leggy and jiggy. (This fly needs a porn name.) So I tied on some rubber legs, Krystal flash and rabbit hair in a dubbing loop. And it turned out like this.
  7. I mentioned it before, but this Coq de Leon saddle with Chickabou is quickly becoming my favorite for buggers. I ordered one on a whim, but now I'm gonna buy different colors. I decided the saddle feather was probably long enough to wrap up the shank, so I did a quick test in a pot of water. The movement of the hackle was impressive! Anyway, here's the one color I have, with other colors to come in the near future.
  8. Yea, what flytire said. Lot's of good options for you. flytire, I didn't know you were on instagram. Just gave both of y'all a follow.
  9. No, don't trim the barbs. If you're gonna be tying a bunch of buggers it'd be worth spending the $20 for the Whiting Bugger pack. Different size feathers allow you to get the right size for the hook. I'm a big fan of these packs and they'll last for almost forever.
  10. I like schlappen because it's softer and moves better than saddle hackle, but it larger so works best on big flies. I use it for bass flies tied on size 2 and bigger.
  11. I can't wait to see them. Here's the collared seals. Here's the fly from the Coq de Leon saddle. It's almost a one material fly except I mixed ice dub with the fluff in a dubbing loop for the body. It's not the prettiest fly, but I think it has all the right things fish care about.
  12. I prefer to collar my wooly buggers rather than wrap hackle up the body. Maybe it's lazy, I'm not sure. But I think done right it pushes more water and using the right feathers provides enticing movement. That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it. ;-) Anyway, I picked up some grizzly collaring hackle from Nature's Spirit and created a Collared Seal. A simple bugger with simi seal body and a collar of grizzly hackle.
  13. All that money I've wasted on materials when all this time I just needed this app. Dang, hope my wife doesn't find out. ;-)
  14. Oh wow! I love these. Thanks for sharing, chugbug. I store beads in the small round containers, similar to this. But I could use one that has different sizes.
  15. Last week I ordered some different materials to play around with. Notable among them are: Trouthunter CDC dubbing - see it on a fly I posted in the December flies. I'll be ordering more for sure. Whiting Coq de Leon saddle w/ chickabou - I started working on a bugger using both the chickabou and saddle feathers. First one wasn't too good (tyer's fault) so I'll try again tonight and post it on the December flies thread Whiting Brahma saddle w/ chickabou - see a fly I posted on the December flies. I'm a big fan of Brahma for soft hackles. Montana Fly thread - haven't tried it yet, but reviews indicate it's a cross between UTC and UNI. Nature's Spirit Grizzly Collaring Hackle - I prefer to collar my wooly buggers, so I created a few buggers with simi seal and a hackle collar. I'll forgot to take pictures so I'll get those done tonight.
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