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Fly Tying

Mark Knapp

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About Mark Knapp

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 05/02/1961

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    Fairbanks Alaska

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  1. Very nice, the one got no tail, dose it?
  2. Got it, thanks. I knew the stuff, not the acronym.
  3. Nope, I got a 3.4 pounder on conventional gear and a 3.3 pounder on fly gear. If the 3.4 pounder would have been on fly gear, I would have entered it for a record. You never fail unless you give up, right. I'm putting in for a 2 month vacation for this spring, if Angel lets me, I'm going to try again, this time for two months. She makes all the money now since I got sick, so now I have to ask for permission. Talk to you after the caribou trip.
  4. I like it. What is SHHAN? not familiar.
  5. Got it, The other one I am familiar is the streamer Rainbow warrior. Like this. https://www.flydreamers.com/en/fly-tying/rainbow-warrior-vl374 I can get in on this. I will need to do it after my clamming trip and my caribou/char trip but before the moose hunt.
  6. There are two different rainbow warriors that I know of. They look very different. Got a picture of the one you want to tie? I might jump in.
  7. Thanks guys. going back up there in about ten days.
  8. No, I think they were saying, you posted in the month of August but you posted in the July thread. Nice flies, no matter what month you post them in.
  9. We certainly did catch fish with them, here they are. Good times, from about 7 years ago, the flies and the fish.
  10. Pretty river, nice fish, nice company. What else could you want.
  11. The tinsel was cut from a granola bar wrapper. The wire was a strand robbed from a charging cord I carry for my in-reach, to keep it charged with my solar charger. I wrote about some of this stuff in a prior post in this thread. I know Squatch was making a joke, and I'm always too serious, but in survival teaching I do, we count the things we bring with us, in any given survival situation, as part of our survival inventory. What we find on site is half of it, the other half is what we have with us at any given time on a float trip. I once made a lure for pike with a tooth brush, made a hook with a spring-wire hoop from my back pack. We tie flies with dental floss or a thread from a sock. Sorry this is more than you expected.
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