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Fly Tying

Fry Flier

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Everything posted by Fry Flier

  1. You can try this one it is pretty well laid out and not that hard. ICJ Megans Minnow
  2. Happy Birthday, have a good one.
  3. Well lets see what happens to the fishing industry in the next little while, Walmart will be effecting some of the industry as it is known now. From my understanding Pradco who is one of the Walmart sport suppliers will be getting over a million dollars of product back from Wally World. So that it can reduce shelf space and put in more of a hunting selection. Can you say ouch.....
  4. In the mail coming your way.............
  5. Good luck with the changes, they will work out. Take care of family first and the rest will fall into place.
  6. Great flies everyone, thanks for hosting Threader. The flies landed in my mailbox via a sweet roll cast by my mailperson.
  7. Alex if you want to send me your email addy through a PM I will send this shortcut list to you. It has the keys with ther standalone use, the shift plus key use, the Control plus key use, the Alt plus key use & the shift/Control key uses. It is a 2 page file in excel or I can send it zipped.
  8. Here is a list of shortcuts, found it on the net, sorry site will not accept excel attachment
  9. Hey buddy have a great day, I wish you the best and hope you take some time for yourself. :yahoo:
  10. OLB types faster then me.....lol
  11. Decide on a few patterns that you want to fish, then you can buy material for those patterns. It would do you no good to buy things you need for a wooly bugger if you plan on fishing dry flies. Most fly patterns will have a recipe on the internet so think of what works in your area and what you want to fish.
  12. Fry Flier

    Threader b-day

    Happy birthday bud!
  13. I like the Matrelli as well, I started with the Thompson and switch. I had to review Alex's tut to remember how to use my Thompson.
  14. I am in with this on a 20, 22 or 24 mustad 94840 This one is on a 22. stripped herl, cdc and herl emerger.
  15. Put myself in your catagory 4< been tying less then a year, tie not to complicated flies, enjoy sitting at the vise, Some of the easy ties, buggers, wooly worms, gnats only a few mins. takes longer to setup then tie fly.
  16. Hey Josh, nothing new about the mail. I can hold off but that call belongs to the swapmiester.
  17. Oh, I know it is funny because everytime I read about someone else doing something simular I just laugh and go "how did they manage to do that"......lol
  18. lol acetone, yep thought of it. it was onlty 12-15 feet away in the next room. 12:30 am wife in bed sleeping with the air conditioner on and 40 feet away, sleeps like a log. Guess who's not geting up?
  19. In a bit of a rush last nite finishing off some chernobal ants when..........Duh! Duh! Duh kicked in. Thats right finishing off some ants became my problem when I reached across my desk and knocked over a few supplies with one landing on the floor. Thinking to myself "no problen , I will just grab it in a minute. Well that was the WRONG thought since the item that hit the floor was my knewly openned 5 ml. bottle of Locktite Super Glue. After 5-7 mins. of frigging around I can tell you that the thin outer layer of skin on 3 toes have left some nice skinprints on the floor and it takes a lot ot frigging to separate two toes sealed together. Oh by the way if you need seam weld for your cushion floor this stuff will work great I know since I now have 4 rainbow shaped arches under my desk that will not come off.
  20. Im my best Tool Time Mr. Wilson's voice...."Chris,......Chris,Chris,....Chris,Chris Police all over the place this weekend, trying to get you through the holiday before you become a statistic.
  21. I am lost on these threader, could you post a link or a pic of these flies?
  22. Same as Tom thanks everyone. ( mine showed up today) tdeyette I see we have the same teacher for the leaders. Another thing that works out well is .004 & .005 nylon thread, pretty well the same as 2# and 3# line.
  23. Do not know anything about that one but Deeky did one and it is in last May's Hatches. Furled Leader
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