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Fly Tying


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About zip

  • Rank
    Advanced Member

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  • Favorite Species
    Whatever is biting
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  • Location
    Georgia-originally from Gatlinburg,Tennessee

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  1. Thats so cool! B&C class! Way to go bud!
  2. Thank you for the kind exclamation! I must apologize and ruin your visions of a tall fit man wandering the outback in search of cape buffalo. Nothing but a short stocky guy ordering it from online!
  3. Turned this fountain pen out of Australian water buffalo horn. received_855692258463146.mp4
  4. I keep the finishes pretty simple. Start at sanding from 800-3000 and then, depending on grain, Ill slap a thin coat of tung oil on to harden the wood (since theres a mil or less after turning). Then finish with lite coats of superglue (fine wet sanded) and touched with a polishing pad and compound.
  5. Been diving for a long time and only recently invested in a camera. The first and last photos are from a cave diving expedition a friend and I did in Vortex Springs.
  6. A set of pens I turned in trade for a pair of UGA football tickets. Spalted pecan and Georgia coastal live oak.
  7. zip


    HA! Anyone who has been hear since the early 00's is now an old face, brother! Its good to see ya!
  8. Kids are getting big bro! Glad to see you doing so well. Looking forward to our next trip.
  9. zip


    Likewise, buddy! Best wishes to you and yours!
  10. zip


    Just swinging through to say hello! Hope everyone is doing well. Looks like a lot of old faces still around with plenty of new as well! Still tying on my end. Going on close to 25 years now...all started here when I was a young feller. This place brings back memories. Spent a ton of time lurking the fepths of fly pattern hell, pissing away materials, and making some life long friends. Drop me a lone. How have you been? All the best, Steve
  11. Lefty's Deciever 2/0 Tied a few dozen for striper
  12. Agree with the above. Those are going to be your winner patterns for the salt, but always look to see what critters are going to be in and out of the areas your fishing. Shrimp patterns are always good to have . As far as FW is concerned, you can fish just about anything! Topwater poppers are always going to produce bass and bluegill. Small baitfish patterns will catch you any number of exotic cichlids. I like white and chartreuse best and the fish do too! Can vary things in all sizes.
  13. I spoke with him and placed an order last week. Everything arrived is great condition and he cut me a deal.
  14. Might try feather emporium. Give him a call and ask what he has
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