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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by TerryLee

  1. Gartside has a good website. You guys were right, he loves pheasant skins . Some of what he wrote was a bit over my head, though. day5, your craw flies look really cool to me. How much for a pattern ?
  2. I got a pheasant skin for Christmas. It looks cool, with all the colors and stuff, but I'm not sure what to use the feathers for. What do you guys use pheasant for? Any advice/info is appreciated, but I am especially interested in uses for these feathers related to bass flys. Thanks, Terry
  3. Probably a cross between Ed and that guy witht the food and beer.
  4. Are all the flies I tie for this supposed to be the same or can they all be different?
  5. I'll do it, if you'll allow it. Just tell me how many.
  6. No, did most of my Florida fishing in Jacksonville, which is very much North Florida, and some in Orlando/Kissimmee, which is Central Florida. Seems like it was a state-wide program, but I could be wrong. But hey, what's the worst thing that could happen? You pull over, start fishing, and someone laughs at the guy fishing where there supposedly "ain't no fish". Half the time, I prove them right anyway, but boy that other half sure is sweet ! Merry Christmas!! TL
  7. Ok, this sounds stupid, I'm sure, but how do you stick on little googly eyes, specifically on deer hair bugs? Thanks, TL
  8. TerryLee

    I am leaving

    God bless you and keep you! Keep us safe, keep us proud! Terry Lee (Veteran)
  9. I catch a number of panfish on my #6 clousers, if that counts :dunno: Seems like, in FL, you could do the same.
  10. The only thing I ever found lonelier than punching holes under the ocean on Christmas Day was bobbing around on the surface, dead in the water, fixing main engine bearings on Christmas Day. Submarines aren't supposed to do that! I think the worst part for us was that in addition to being away from home on special days, we couldn't call home, either. While I miss the camaraderie of being in the Navy, I don't miss that part of it at all. Makes family life hard. Be proud of our soldiers and sailors. I have several friends who are still out deployed and I tell them I am proud of them every chance I get. Pray for them, keep them close to your heart, and when you see them hug them like you'll never let them go. But most of all, be thankful for what they do, and ask yourself "How have I enjoyed my freedom today?" Then thank them again because they give it to you. TL
  11. Well TL, Navy took it again. Just wait, come next year.... Tomorrow is another day, my friend, tomorrow is another day. The cool thing about Army-Navy is, no matter what happens on the field, afterwards we're all on the same team. God bless you and yours, Terry
  12. I don't think the salt is the key, at least not because it is salt. Most soft plastics on the market today have salt impregnated. I think it is the way a senko falls, specifically the fact that, when fished weightless, it stays horizontal while falling with a side to side wiggle. The way the salt is impregnated probably has something to do with that, but I think the same effect could be brought about otherwise. Just my opinion. TL
  13. Army - Navy today Russ. Go Navy!!!! :yahoo:
  14. Jason all I saw was an article about fly materials. I didn't look too hard, though. The UNC UK game is back from halftime!! I'm interested in whatever you guys find. Senko's are great!
  15. Ok, so now we're back at square one, what makes the best bass flys the best? So far, it seems like personal preference rules the day. Whatever they's bitin', you'd best be a-throwin' it, hear?
  16. Hey, I think that indian was my uncle, but I digress :hyst: . Seems to me that silhouette, or shape, would be more important than anything else. Most of my experience in that regard is with bait casting/spinning tackle, but it still applies. Two points: 1. The most effective baits for catching bass at night are usually black or another dark, solid color. Reason being, the hard silhouette against the limited light available. Hard to make out color at 3:00 AM. 2. If you aren't catching fish on a particular worm/crankbait/spinner bait, changing color of the bait and sticking with the same bait probably won't help. Most of the time, I have found, you must change to another lure shape completely. But who really knows? Just keep trying lures until you run out of ideas/patience, then try some more until you just can't take it. But always have fun! TL YIPPEE!!!! A cool little mousie!!!!!
  17. I don't know where you live exactly in Florida, but I have two words for you as far as bank fishing in Florida for bass goes: retention ponds. The state of Florida stocks retention ponds in most areas to promote fishing in urban areas. I know because I used to live in Florida. You can catch some MONSTER fish in some unlikely looking places if you try. My rule of thumb was if there was water, make a few casts and circle the pond. More times than not, I was pleasantly rewarded. Good luck, Terry
  18. That looks pretty cool!! What materials is it made from?
  19. Thanks for the tip. However, it brings me to another question. Does the skin need to be tanned? On a different but related note, a friend brought me a fresh buck tail yesterday (really fresh, like from the day before, a bit greusome). Do items like this need to be treated or dressed any particular way? Thanks, TL
  20. I have a potential source for duck feathers, my father-in-law the duck hunter (his group got 18 yesterday). Are these useful to a warmwater fly fisherman like myself? If so, which feathers from which ducks do I want? Thanks, TL
  21. I don't recall any confrontations on the water, other than reminding someone that the fish they were putting in the livewell wasn't a keeper. Usually they don't care and keep it anyway. On one of the Navy bases I was stationed at we had awesome fishing, both fresh and saltwater. It was illegal to run trot lines on the ponds/lakes there though. Once I caught one of the lines and I cut it. Another time, I saw someone running their trot line. I didn't say anything to them, I just waited for them to leave then I went over and cut it loose. I don't like rule breakers/cheaters.
  22. That's too cool Graham! Very creative. Thanks for sharing! TL
  23. I'm a rookie, too, but they look good to me. Keep at it, we'll get better. Welcome to the fun, you'll like it here. Everybody's been good to me so far. Terry
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