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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by jamieofthenorth

  1. @Bimini15 In regards to your collar on your previous post.. I dunno, looks pretty darn good to me. Did you use a razor blade or scissors? Nice work.
  2. Mine went out in the mail today. Thanks for organizing, I enjoyed putting my ensemble together.
  3. Poison Tung Variation Hook: Mustad C49S Caddis Curved, Size 20 Bead: Gold Tungsten Thorax: Rusty Orange Ice Dubbing Body: 8/0 Rusty Dun thread Rib: Red Ultra Wire
  4. Looking forward to more videos, Landon. Nice work.
  5. See now?! I've at least killed it with a woolly bugger! 😀
  6. @Sandan @Mogup Ha ha, I knew I might perhaps rightfully get grief for that... I guess I lean heavily on the elk wing caddis for dries, but for good reason.
  7. Catskill-style mayfly imitations... I feel like I'm gonna get pelted with rotten cabbage for saying that.
  8. @Mogup and @TSMcDougald, thank you kindly!
  9. Moosehead Belle Hook: TMC 300, size 6, 6XL Body: Red Floss Rib: Flat silver tinsel Tail: Yellow saddle hackle Throat: Yellow saddle hackle Wing: White marabou, golden mallard flank underwing
  10. Spent Caddis, size 16. Used these special anti-gravity hooks for extra flotation. Hook: NASA Antimatter Cygnus X1, size 16 Thread: Olive 8/0 Body: Brown beaver fur Wing: Hungarian partridge Thorax: Brown saddle hackle, clipped on underside.
  11. Golden Retriever. Here's a pic of a recent batch I tied.
  12. Thanks Mark. Landlocked salmon, which biologically is exactly the same as an Atlantic salmon. The only difference is that they are strictly freshwater. I used a size 8 Golden Retriever, a very popular fly in Maine.
  13. A pretty well known, if not somewhat famous, river in my area has been somewhat of a jinx for me. In all fairness though, it shuts down in the summer, and of the five or six times I've fished it only once was it in a somewhat more prime time of the year. Today though, third cast. Boom. I knew I was in for a fight when I felt a bang and then my reel sang. After a few long minutes, a muscular 20"+ salmon was in my net and the curse was over. I tried to get a decent pic, but my fingers were numb with the cold water and the 28F air and the adrenaline left me a little less coordinated. As I lifted the salmon out of the water for hopefully a quick picture before I let him go, he slipped away before I had the chance. However, I discovered afterwards that I inadvertently did get a picture, albeit a crappy one. I'll take it.
  14. I bet it'll work great in waters where Mickey Finns are effective, given that it looks like a better dressed older brother of that fly. I may do the same with a single hook... articulated flies still scare me.
  15. I'm in, please! Trout category. PM forthcoming. This looks like a lot of fun, thank you for organizing.
  16. Looks like a pretty easy tie and something that would be effective... might have to add this one to my "to tie" list.
  17. Nicely done! Fishing from an open face kayak like that looks like a blast.
  18. Nice!!! Excellent detail for that size. Well done.
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