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  1. How much weight are you needing? I use downrigger ball weights that are lead and cause limited noise on the bottom. I typically use 2-3lb, but you can find them larger. Also, another trick if you go with the sash weights is to Plasti-dip them.
  2. Got a great set of saltwater fish catchers from WMW4. Thank you! They will be put to good use. And of course Vic, thank you for the freebies. I am consistently growing my Squimpish hair collection through the Christmas swaps.
  3. I'll play with an articulated leech.
  4. Saltwater set on its way to you along with some extras. Should be there Monday. USPS 9534 6161 5607 4319 8608 80
  5. Foam mayfly (Green Drake variant): Hook: Curved dry fly, #12 Thread: Uni-Thread, 6/0, Olive dun Tails: FTD Mayfly tails, PMD Abdomen: Craft foam, 2mm, olive (segmentation with thread) Wing: Temu mayfly wing sheet, medium, gray Thorax: FDT Bull Frawg Mottled Dubbing, Baetis Hackle: Saddle hackle, olive grizzly Eyes: Foam ant body cylinder, small I picked up some wings from Temu and did a little experimenting with them. Figured I might as well go with a foam body and eyes to assist in flotation.
  6. I'm in. I'll take saltwater if we have another salty that participates, otherwise I can fill in any category. I also have a surplus of extra materials to add to the pot as well.
  7. Good luck left coasters. I just got back last night and spent the day cleaning up and getting the shutters ready to go. Thankfully my family and I were up in PA so I was able to leave the wife and daughter up there. This one looks a bit sporty. Stay safe above all.
  8. No problem. I was hoping they showed up!
  9. DId you happen to have mine (two flies)? I didn't see them in the photo.
  10. Real Deal CDC Caddis, Tan Hook: Dry Fly, standard length, #14 Thread: Uni-Thread, 6/0, Tan Abdomen: FTD Bull Frawg Dubbing, Caddis Tan Rib: Uni-Thread, 3/0, Dk. Brown Wing: River Foam Speckled Wing Throax: CDC, Tan (dubbing loop and wrapped) Antennae: Peccary hair
  11. On their way to you. Should be there Friday per USPS. 9500 1161 5607 4254 8267 58
  12. Since it looks like we are going to have six for this swap I went and tied up a half dozen wet fly variants so each participant will get two flies, an emerger and a wet fly. Soon as signup closes, I can have them on their way to you.
  13. I got six emerger styles ready to go but I'm going to wait until the sign-up closes later this week and if we end up with only 6 I worked up a soft hackle wet fly variant as well and will finish off a full dozen flies to send.
  14. Not the typical Rainbow Warrior, but I think this variant will get the job done.
  15. I'll play, but i'll go with an emerger style.
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