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Fly Tying


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About muskyhunter81

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 05/02/1981

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  1. I found those, but I wanted to read the article.
  2. I am looking for the superhero article in the Winter 2009 Fly Tyer Magazine does any one have this issue and are they willing to part with it?
  3. Nice looking "Lefty's Deceiver" and although it may not have been tied the same way Mr. Kreh ties the fly and it may be missing a few feathers, IMO, It still looks like a "Lefty's Deceiver" and from your underwater footage I would say it acts like a "Lefty's Deceiver" so I would say it is a "Lefty's Deceiver". If we get over technical about how flies are tied, we can lose some of the enjoyment we find from tying flies. So, I will say it again, Nice "Lefty's Deceiver" and video. Your videos are very professional and informational. I myself have done a few videos and can say that they are not easy to do and I respect anybody who is willing to share what they have learned through videos.
  4. Nice looking deceiver and although it may not have been tied the same way Mr. Kreh ties the fly and it may be missing a few feathers, IMO, It still looks like a deceiver and from your underwater footage I would say it acts like a deceiver so I would say it is a deceiver. If we get over technical about how flies are tied, we can lose some of the enjoyment we find from tying flies. So, I will say it again, Nice Deceiver and video. Your videos are very professional and informational. I myself have done a few videos and can say that they are not easy to do and I respect anybody who is willing to share what they have learned through videos.
  5. I have removed this due to conflicts elsewhere on the WWW.
  6. Please enjoy this tutorial of the Maholo Nymph. http://www.fishbaitsflybox.com/2016/03/maholo-nymph.html
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