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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by Dubs

  1. Would it be mostly streamers in the 6" range? I could use them for bass...
  2. This is a popular one, do a round 2 swap and I'll try some wally wings
  3. Glad they are finding their way This was one of my favorites
  4. Apologies, didn't make it to the post office today. Baseball and a hundred things tomorrow, I'll get them out if I can, otherwise wed at the latest I promise. I'm anxious to get them to you all to see.
  5. Just to update djh262 yours were here Thursday and a winner has been selected. Will post later and get flies out Monday
  6. Dubs

    Today's Hatch

    I was fishing but they weren't but a couple off rises. Switched to a nymph and got one. I only had about 20 minutes and I had my 3 year old, kid loves bugs
  7. They actually came today Dorado Mail service is good to you
  8. Dubs

    Today's Hatch

    These were coming off today, managed to scoop this one off the top and bring it in for a few shots. This looks like the Black Quill we were talking about in the other thread recently
  9. Good deal all flies should be on their way in then. Big thank you to all swappers in keeping the due date and spinning up some great ties
  10. 1hook, he has a tiny one, like 1/4 size of a regular one. I never saw those
  11. 1hook yours were here today along with wetsock. I almost missed that mini altiofs can, I've got to get me some of those they seem handy
  12. I'll double check when I get home that I didn't just forget to post
  13. Vicente yours are here too. Keep them coming, all looking good
  14. Dubs

    Slate Drake

    The veniation does seem closer to leptophlebia
  15. Dubs

    Slate Drake

    It's possible, but I tend to think not given the overall condition. The overall color was quite dark and I had to use a lot of light to get the photo I did. I know color is not a great indicator of species but just thought I'd mention it. Haven't seen much more activity at all hatchwise since, despite a couple warm sunny days
  16. Dubs

    Slate Drake

    Northwestern Pennsylvania
  17. Dubs

    Slate Drake

    You are probably right, first I've ran across these. Hendrickson?
  18. They came Bob, haha sry I forgot to post yesterday Everyone's gonna get a great set that's for sure
  19. Dubs

    Slate Drake

    Thanks it's all about timing
  20. Dubs

    Slate Drake

    Got some pictures of this mayfly today, I have not seen this species here before. I added a title, assuming I knew what it was, and added a measurement reference
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