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Fly Tying


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About Dubs

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 04/16/1987

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  • Favorite Species
    Great Lakes Steelhead
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  • Location
    Albion, PA

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  1. Big thanks to Nick for hosting and all who participated! Another great year with a great bunch of goodies I look forward to using. Sandan I was fortunate to get your great assortment. Appreciate all those who went above and beyond with extras as well. Merry Christmas and best wishes to all!
  2. Sent out yesterday, sorry for the delay. Happy Thanksgiving y'all!
  3. My package has been delivered! Thanks for hosting!
  4. Must be full thanks, got the whole set today though so no tracking required! Thanks for a great swap all
  5. Is UV resin an ingredient if it is used to do more than secure the thread or materials where head cement, clear nail polish, or super glue could otherwise be used? My thought was that a UV resin "poxyback" wing case would count as an ingredient but not sure.
  6. I been away way too long. Im in!
  7. Haha damn elf on the shelf... ratted me out. Prolly spot on though
  8. Package here and "safe" under the tree. Always look forward to opening that one! Every time I unwrap an impressive surprise. Thanks to all especially Nick there's a lot that goes into this one
  9. Mine came today, thanks. Great looking set of very fishable stuff!
  10. put me down, I can send a box and I aint even laid off
  11. Ok, all flies have been sorted and sealed. Will ship tomorrow morning. Thanks to all who participated it is a nice blend of fishable flies. Few notes in general, no big deal but there were quite a few anomalies in the submissions. Please include return packaging, toe tags, return postage or $. Its all in the pinned post as a reminder. Again, the flies are top notch and I want to continue to encourage new swappers to join these things. One member was not able to submit it seems, so for submitting 13 flies you should have an extra in there
  12. DCGallim please check PM's
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