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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by RogueFlies

  1. I personally just love the look of them and would like to start branching out to the traditional salmon flies patterns. After checking ebay, they're not extremely high priced. I am a little concerned just because it's ebay, but I might try and snag one for a cheaper price just to see how it goes, I don't need perfect JC nails, but I do like the look personally. At the end of the day I guess it's really up to the fish haha
  2. I'm curios as to if anyone has ever used these imitation jungle cock eyes from wapsi? I love the look of JC, but a broke college student like myself can't drop that kind of dough on just one patch of hackle. http://www.jsflyfishing.com/ti-rite-imitation-jungle-cock-eyes
  3. For head cements I have loon hard head cement, loon water based head cement and uv cure, it all just depends on which one works best for the flies at hand. The water based is great for bead heads because it just seeps in through the material. But like someone said earlier, a good tight whip finish won't need head cement. I'd say 4-5 times out of 10 I use head cement
  4. I have this light from ikea and man is it awesome. Nice and bright and adjustable so I can get whatever angle I want.
  5. Correction, first fly is the one with uv flow body, and the bottom purple ones are the stones I was mentioning.
  6. First two are twins, will be doing a black version and trying it as a stone. The second has a loon uv flow body, first time using it and I really enjoy the product.
  7. Man was Christmas morning a joy opening the boxes I got from Dubs and Joseph Russell, thank you guys for the great boxes and awesome flies, will definitely be putting them to good use!
  8. I can't remember who posted this on instagram the other day, but man did it look like a very convincing tie. So I tried my hand at it, a deer hair emerger with some cdc and boot body.
  9. Hey Bob, did you happen to snag any pics of the submitted ties? I've been wanting to see what everyone sent in
  10. Like fisherboy said, some that I receive either sit in an area that I can appreciate them for their beauty an some are just patterns I haven't gotten around to trying out. I usually tweak so many different patterns I never get around to testing most of them.
  11. Articulated, leech chasing an egg, might mess around more with this pattern tonight.
  12. That's a smick little stone fly bud Thanks man
  13. Eide, everytime, they're just perfect. Great job.
  14. Just crimped, no cement. I might add some so they actually stay that way in the water. Add, thank you for the kind words.
  15. Nice work! The PT legs look great. Can never get mine to behave like that. They're actually just turkey biots for the legs, but man, they were some work to get them like that haha Thanks for the kind words Chuck, I greatly appreciate them.
  16. Gopros can make it possible for you to look over my should Christmas morning nick, just say the word haha. I appreciate your hard work, also I must add that your wrapping puts mine to shame haha
  17. I received mine today, and man its harder than I thought not opening them right away haha. I had to have my wife hide them from me ha. Nick, I'm not sure if the money I sent covered shipping and everything, if it didn't let me know and I can wire you some if you'd like to cover the difference. And once again, a big thank you. I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas
  18. Nick, thanks again for the opportunity to be apart of this swap and for all your hard work you've done for this swap. I hope mine take 2 weeks to get here so I'm not tempted to open them haha. Cheers
  19. Probably a perk of having some sort of sponsorship deal is my guess
  20. Tied my first slumpbuster, cant wait to try it out soon, school work permitting. I also just tried some streamer idea out, got the idea from a video of tying in a cone head and some wire and securing them in the middle of the shank and then working around. Also, I need to work on uv heads.
  21. Nice one, looks a lot like some of mine that I use as searching buggers !!Thank you Dave. They definitely don't ever fail, something magical about them I guess haha. This one I used a method off of flyfish foods "tie a better wooly bugger" by starting the hackle at the eye and working back securing it with wire. I'm not sure on durability yet, but it definitely made tying them a lot easier. I have yet to tie one that way ( securing with wire) but it makes much sense. I have had the hackle cut by sharp teeth in the past which renders the fly unusable. I saw a video on what you describe just recenly in fact. I saw another video from tight lines on youtube that also used the wire technique, it's starting to assure me of its durability now that I've Seen that technique used
  22. I will be waiting till Christmas to open my boxes, I can't wait!
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