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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by RazzaMaChaz

  1. I'm moving to Rock Hill SC in a couple weeks. I've seen some tantalizing references to a fish in those parts called a Redeye Bass. This is not the same thing as the Rock Bass. Anyway, I'd like more info on patterns used and habitats - rivers, lakes/ ponds, etc? Anyone?
  2. Catching on? Hard to say unless you call the manufacturer. If you're talking about the Peak Jurassic vise, unless you're tying lots really big flies, like a commercial tyer would, the $300 + price tag is a bit much. Also, as Ben mentioned above, I don'tthink they're made any more. The vise made from a set of Vise Grips is a good idea. If I was tying salt flies commercially or just a lot of them, That's how I'd go. As an aside. I tied Stu Apte Tarpon flies and Crazy Charlies for a local shop about 25 years ago on a Dyna King professional with the heavy jaws and it worked great!
  3. I was playing with my Petitjean Magic Tool and some Antron yarn and this is what came out of it. I think it has potential - maybe not in this color, but the look of it ...
  4. Awesome tie. What kind of hackle is that? Why, thank you! The hackle is a Whiting "brown" hen. This particular neck is brown with a dark center stripe like a dark badger or a furnace. Not what I expected when I ordered it, but I like it.
  5. Old School - Muskrat's Regret, sz 10, Daiichi 1510 Popular Wisconsin wet fly pattern.
  6. Something I call a Scruffy Nymph. Size 12
  7. I had a little fun at the vise today. A Kandy Korn Kebari. Size 12 Daiichi 1150
  8. That's good to know. Thanx. Actually, since I posted the OP, I got to thinking that a float trip for the Mrs and me might not be a bad idea. I'd still like more pattern recommendations, though. I've got a couple patterns of my own I'd like to try and could certainly tie some more. Sculpin patterns seem popular. Never fished a sculpin pattern. Any Recs there?
  9. I'll be going to Yellowstone this September with my car club (Miata). Although our schedule is fairly tight, I'd still like to get a couple hours on the Madison. If not the Madison, perhaps the Yellowstone at or above Buffalo Ford. I haven't fished there in over 20 years. When I was there last I did well on Yellowstone Cutts with a black Wooly Bugger. We also did well on The Madison with a Prince Nymph hackled with partridge. I'm wondering what kinds of wet patterns might be useful these days? I'm thinking bucktails, Buggers, and the like. Sizes? Not terribly interested in nymphing. Because the Miata has limited cargo capacity I'll be bringing minimal gear. Probably bank fishing and wet wading. I would love some suggestions.
  10. I started tying about 50 years ago. I was in the 8th grade. A few years before, my Dad had bought a fairly complete tying kit for Herters and tied for a while until failing eyesight (macular degeneration) made him give up. The kit collected dust for a while until one day I got into the box and started tying. I used the book Fishing Flies and Fly Tying by Wm. F. Blades as my primer. Dad bought it somewhere. I found I really enjoyed tying. In fact, even though I was tying decent flies, I wouldn't try fishing them for a couple years. Just the same, I was hooked.
  11. All those flies are there to make money for everyone involved, except the angler, of course. That's ok, too. We all need to make a buck, or spend one.
  12. Do Pterodactyls fill the skies in your world?
  13. Interesting article, but I think it ignores the most important aspect of fishing a fly - presentation. We oftentimes blame the pattern for our lack of success, when it's our presentation that needs work. I watched a friend fishing the South Platte during a very heavy spring baetis hatch. A size 18 or 20 BWO is the preferred pattern. He caught fish after fish on a size 16 Royal Wulff. It was all presentation. The Wulff looked like food, so it was eaten.
  14. I use and recommend poly yarn for spinners. Antron works good and so does z-lon. I wouldn't worry too much about what they end up looking like. IMO, the trout don't care anywhere near as much as we do. I really like the organza ribbon idea.
  15. What I really hate is when I'm blasting up a delightful canyon road in my Miata, come around a corner and end up behind a big truck loaded with porta-poddies going 15mph and I can't pass. It's a total buzzkill. I also hate it with a top-grade Cree neck I've been saving for special occasions ends up all bug-eaten.
  16. No. Absolutely not. I never use fly patterns from guys with red beards. I just don't do it. Bad luck. Like driving a green car. ;-)
  17. For bass You probably could get away with Woolly Buggers and nothing else. Just have a good mix of colors. Dahlberg diver if you like to work on top. I've always liked a Whitlock Eelworm in purple. Most subsurface bass patterns will also catch Northerns, Pickerel and Walleye, too. For Panfish Bluegill,etc will hit just about anything. Back in the day I'd just get those cheap poppers they'd sell at gas stations and use them. I couldn't tie them cheaper. if 'gills are on the redds, pattern choice doesn't matter. They'll attack anything that comes through the spawning ground. Crappie are a bit tougher, but anything white should do. You would be amazed at how well light yellow deer hair, spun and clipped to the shape of a corn kernel will work. A buddy of mine made a fly out of yellow, orange and white spun deer hair and clipped to look like candy corn and used it as a joke for Bluegills. Worked pretty good.
  18. This IKEA lamp isn't bad, but for my needs doesn't offer enough light. I use IKEA's Forsa lamp myself: http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/291349712872?ul_noapp=true&chn=ps&lpid=82
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