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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by sandflyx

  1. sandflyx

    The Mystery Fish

    Either a carp or catfish....which both are blast on fly tackle !!!!!!!!!!
  2. I'll try to remember........... Art Flick- fished with Lee Wulff -tied with Walt and Winnie dette The darbee's Lee hartman Bill Skilton Ed Shenk Lefty- casted with a few times Bob Pop- fish with Poul Jourgenson Bob Clouser- tied with Gary LaFontaine Dave Whitlock Ernie Schwiebert- fished with a few weeks ago Ed Koch Charlie Meck Dale Clemens Dick French- rod building Chico fernandez Don Bastion Don Baylor lots of others at the shows........
  3. Hard to remember them all anymore, (old age or fished to many, not sure) delaware--trenton to hancock big flat brook W. br. bushkill E. br. Broadhead Beaverkill yellowstone Willomoc firehole yellow breechs gibbon letort falling springs salmon (idaho & N.Y) Suskyhanna N.br. Willemette Klamath deshutes frying pan
  4. thermometer, forceps, nippers, water, energy bars, studded wading shoes, wading staff (for big water), and my trusty leatherman......
  5. Professional fly fisherman and guide.....................
  6. the orange pattern is for the western version and a bright green one is for east-midwestern part of the country....
  7. +ON my smaller rods 6wt and down I like to run a needle up the end of the fly line, then use a good ca glue and thats it. makes a permanent bond. Dave whitlock uses this method for all his lines, he did an article in fly fisherman mag back in dec. For all my others I make my own braided loops out of cortland braided mono, which I buy in 100 ft. spools in 30 and 50 lb. test. I cut off about 5 feet on each spool then use the rest for running lines on my custom heads...
  8. walkin in the stream barefoot......shame on you for poluting................
  9. My catskill flys don't lean. try a different hackle, Also make sure your porportions are correct. Thers a tool for tying perfect flies. Its called the "golden Mean" proportioning tool. made by Flycraft.
  10. sandflyx

    April 1, 2004

    I decided today to take up bait fishin !! .................gotcha.
  11. Planning to go to hatteras this year and was wonderin about sleepin on the beach in beach buggys. I heard that this is ok there. does anyone know for sure ???
  12. lead core shooting heads with a short leader 2 to 4 ft.
  13. maybe thats what I need for my bad heart and legs a little canadien whiskey !!!! Haven't had a drop for years since I got the open heart surgery.... Maybe a nice flask to carry...
  14. A newlywed couple returned to their apartment after being on their honeymoon. "Care to go upstairs and do it?" the husband asked. "Shh!" said the bride "All the neighbors will know what we're about to do. These walls are paper thin. In the future, we'll have to ask each other in code. For example, how about asking, 'Have you left the washing machine door open' instead?" So, the following night, the husband asks, "I don't suppose you left the washing machine door open, did you?" "No, I definitely shut it," replied the wife who rolled over and fell asleep. When she woke up however, she was feeling a little frisky herself and she nudged her husband and said, "I think I did leave the washing machine door open after all. Would you like to do some washing?" "No, thanks," said the husband. "It was only a small load so I did it by hand."
  15. Good to know that most all camp, Was just wondering... I now camp in the van full time and not in a tent anymore. getting older and wiser... i think...
  16. Does anyone camp out in their trucks and cars when you go fishin, or do you head to the nearest hotels,motels ? and do you rough it or luxury route ??
  17. I like the idea, but I think I could build something similar, for less... Some plexi glass and plastic tube hooked to a small water pump. Might not have a speed control though.. Just my thoughts....
  18. sandflyx


    I'm computer illiterite...........what is a preview pane and how do I turn it off.............simple english please.......
  19. sandflyx

    Neshannock Creek

    The petition can be found on the fish commishions web site
  20. I had to quit, I had heart surgery 3 years ago !! Quit 2 days before I went in and haven't had the urge..... Getting surgery at 46 scares the H--L outof you !!
  21. Try it in blue also !!
  22. When I have to use cement I generally use a good quality head cement or sally hanson, One cement I like is Loon hard head, makes a nice shiny head, and be cut with alcohal. Thinned goop is good for wingcases, also vinal cement. I would stay away from water based glues I think in time they break down in time. CA glue is good if you really need to hold a part in place, but I've seen Ca break down also from being in water....... Years ago we used to take some clear vinal, acetone and mix to make cement in quart jars....... did someone say brain damage?
  23. What size hook did you use, They look a little long for rushers....
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