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Fly Tying

Project Healing Waters Donations

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This is a request to all of you for sets of flies for Project Healing Waters to be sold at auction for our local chapter.


The man who has run the local chapter of PHW is dealing with cancer an doesn't have the energy to continue doing all the things he has done in the past so, my small contribution to the group is to ask you all if you would be so kind as to donate to our veterans by tying a few flies that we can have for our auction. I think I will be able to get boxes from one of the many companies that support the PHW groups to put the flies in, or you can send them in a box if you'd like. They can be any type of fly since we have access to salt water, trout waters, and warm water fishes here in the North Texas area. If you'd like to help out, send an "I'm in" to me and you'll be put on the list.


These don't need to be received until mid February, so there is plenty of time to get thru the holidays.


PM me when you need an address.


Thank you in advance.




1. mybadhabit - Bass Poppers - Done


2. Idaho RC - Trout Flies - Received


3. Jolly Red - Panfish Flies - Received


4. Flat Rock native - Fathead Minnows - Received


5. stabgnid - not sure - Received


6. L. B. Fly Tyer - Clousers - Received


7. carpflyguy - Trout Flies


8. RickZieger - Panfish Flies - Received


9. vicente - Bass Poppers


10. Rye_Tyler - Unknown - Received


11. tctrout - Trout Flies - Received


12. shoebop - Trout Flies - Received


13. DavidR - Flies - Received


14. Bruce Norikane - Trout Flies - Received


15. Saltybum - Received


16. RCFetter - Received


17. nsillej - Flies Received







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I will do a set of trout flies.


Kudos to you mybadhabit for setting this one up - always good to see these kind of swaps. If the swap fills up and you still want to donate, you can also mail direct to PHW and they will take donations any time.

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This is for the group locally, we have a small group of guys that tie every other week at a local fly shop. They also hold monthly outings for the vets, I haven't be able to go help on those though, because they hold them during the week. I hope to be able to help out soon though, but it all depends on the work schedule, so I am doing what I can to help in raising money for the guys/gals.




PS. Glad to have you on board carpflyguy.

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If not all of you are familiar with PHW, it is a charity for veterans. They take vets on a 4 day retreat of healing, fly tying and fly fishing. It is a great charity and it has chapters nation wide. They always need help, and volunteers are welcome. We raise money for the retreats by having auctions and other fund raising events. If you have any questions about it I can try(read that correctly, I said "try") and answer them. Although some on here probably know much more about it than I do.





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