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Fly Tying


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About RickZieger

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  1. You can right click on the previous page and open in a new tab. Rick
  2. Right click on the page number and click open in a new tab on the menu that drops down.
  3. Will have to think about banning, but I assume his wife would like sympathy cards. I will go back in my room now. Rick
  4. We are in a drought so I did not cat very many fish. Algae was heavy in the ponds so lost many fish trying to bring them through that. Many of the ponds were down 3 to 4 feet in depth. Rick
  5. On my canoe the anchors a steel shot in a heavy canvas type bag. Rick
  6. Like me you are concerned about the "here after". An hourly event.
  7. Very nice fly and great explanation. You are more industrious than I am.
  8. You do very nice deer hair work Bruce. Rick
  9. Got a great set of poppers from Bryon Anderson. Thand you very much. Also great thanks to vicrider for doing all the work. Rick
  10. Just for info I have been using the liquid for 3D printing and it cures well. Rick
  11. Bruce, if that is simple I await the complex or hard. You do hair work that I am envious of, my tries look like dog poop. Rick
  12. RickZieger


    Have a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year. Rick
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