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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by Student4evr

  1. 907: I will be getting into yours tomorrow. But since time is short why don't you send me your ADDY? Thanks Student4evr
  2. djmyres: I should be done soon so could I get your ADDY please. Std4evr
  3. Well they finally hit the mail today!!! :yahoo: :yahoo: There are days when you get the bear and there are days when the bear(pattern) gets you. This was one of the latter. But they are done and NOW I AM FREE!!!!!! St4evr :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
  4. Got to do this one. I'm in TBD St4evr
  5. I have been working on a bunch of swaps (and a trip to a spring creek!!). Your swap is next and Tomorrow our club is holding a fly tying session. SOOOO I will get to work. St4evr
  6. My set got a bit delayed . I should finish them tonight and get them in the mail tomorrow. St4evr
  7. When I mailed my flies for my first swap, (not as a SM but just a swapper) I was told that the return postage had to be stamps because the printed labels are dated. Therefore they are only good for the date they are printed and witnessed by an authorized individual. Given the mayhem currently going on with counterfeit documents it does make sense. St4evr
  8. nomad: This is one I need to tie. I'm in. Student4ever :thumbsup:
  9. majestyja: Boy: if you blink you miss it. My ISP burped and I can't get up. I have a great pattern I wanted to tie for a terrestrial swap, but this would have been a perfect fit!! I guess I'll have to keep a tighter eye on things. If you want to run another....[/b]I'm In Frank
  10. Pickin6ofem: This pattern is a bit more complicated than I originally thought; but that's why I do the swaps in the first place. I have tied about a dozen and I am just about getting all the parts to work. Thank god for razer blades!! The Tier's best friend. I am also the outings chairman for our local club, and I scheduled an outing for one of the only spring creeks in Washington state for next weekend!! I've never fished one so I think I will be a bit distracted this week. I am also a retired chef and I have to put together a chili feed for the members who make the trip. [/u]There are no beans in Chili!!! Sorry I'm not from Texas. Why don't you send me your ADDY so I can get the package off as soon as possible. :thumbsup: Frank By the way, the club has a member who ties a box of flies for each outing that we ghive away. This is a gentleman, Ed Ruckey, who just turned 70, who started tying when he was 8. I would love to pass along some of the boxes he has tied. I have a lot of good shots of his efforts. He is also an authority of the classic patterns for the Northwest and BC Canada. :yahoo:
  11. Pickin6ofem: I have been busy tying for a bunch of other swaps. And now it time to do this one. I will be tying a Peacock Beetle. Frank
  12. I'm going to the beach in May so I might as well put something together to throw at them. I'm in TBD
  13. Everything is done, and my wife just left for the post office. So they will be in the mail today. Here is what is coming and the source flies. :yahoo: :yahoo: Here is the lawyer And it's tube I added a copy of the hooked version for hosting ...Thanks for doing it And the Miyawaki Beach popper and it's tube As I said the layer is a killer pattern in Prince William sound for Silvers (salmon). And the beach popper was developed by a local fisherman Leland Miyawaki for fishing saltwater beaches in the Puget Sound. This is the salmon sized edition, he does a smaller one for sea-run cutthroats. If you google him, you can get all kinds on information on how he fishes it. My guess is that it will be a good pattern for bait on the surface anywhere. I have shots on how to tie these if anyone is interested. While the pictures don't show all the detail on the lawyer, the black rabbit is palmered on backwards and you use 2 bobbins to get it on. Enjoy Student4evr
  14. 907 One can never have enough nymphs...... I'm in. student4evr (I just moved down from Valdez, so I will be tying one of the patterns for the tangle lakes) :thumbup: And the due date is??
  15. DNTHMN: I got mine in the mail last Friday, I was wondering if they arrived? ST4EVR
  16. Sorry guys I just lost a week to the worst cold I've had in 20 years. I have one pattern done and I will finish the other and get them in the mail asap. St4evr
  17. I found my materials and in one of our club tying sessions I figured out hot to tye a tube version of the fly I used to catch the fish on your left. I normally tie it on a Mustad Signature Circle hook. To get everything to sit right I had to add a strip of weight to the bottom of the tube. I will get the other pattern done by the end of the weekend. :thumbup: :kicking: Frank By the way the silver in the picture won me the Silver Salmon derby up in Valdez Alaska when I lived there. I weighed 18.18 pounds and was worth $15K.
  18. Dan There on their way. Also from our side you do have to fill out a from 2976 to keep anyone sending things over the border from getting hit with a duty. One final thing, old Celestial Seasonings Tea cans are perfect. They are about 1/8th inch shallower than the Altoids. Thanks again Frank
  19. DNTHMN Thanks, that is just what I needed. I'll get those Peacock hurl flies off today or tomorrow. Frank
  20. Well I got into a tying frenzy last night and I should be done in a day or so!! :kicking: :kicking: :kicking: Therefore, [/u]ADDY Please. Frank
  21. Sorry people. I have had a lot of things on my plate as of late. I've figured out my first pattern, a tube version of a very successful silver fly, and I should have evertthing done early next week. Thanks
  22. Jeff : I got delayed. Mine will hit the mail tomorrow. I added a couple of other patterns for hosting the swap. The one on the scud hook is called an MRE, ( that's right, Meal Ready to Eat) and the second is a nymph that was a killer for grayling in Alaska. :yahoo: Thanks again for hosting.
  23. I will be doing a parachute hurl ant. A friend of mine showed me this and it does catch fish.
  24. I should have mine done by Monday. So ADDY Please.
  25. I've figured it out. I will be tying a size 16 Lightning Bug.
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