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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by atroutbum2

  1. I can just see a 5 lb bucketmouth inhailing that in a spray of water. Keep up the good work.
  2. Is it a picture of a dead president?
  3. Try peeling the fibers from the stem insted of cuting. Its the same thing you do when you peel the fluffy freaters from the base of the stem when you prep a dry fly hackel,but your trying to keep the tips lined up. 1st with the fibers on the stem bend the fibers so that the tips line up. 2ed with the tips lined up pinch the fibers so that the aligned tips are traped between your fingers. 3ed Gently peel the fibers away from the stem. With the fibers traped in the pintch it shouldnt misalign them. 4th cut the peeled stem away from the fibers close to the base of the fibers. once you have cut the peeled stem away fron the fibers , the fibers will not want to realign themselves. Mount them to the hook in the usual way.
  4. Would you consider a muddler(origional tie) or a matuka to qualify. Im not sure what Rangly style means?
  5. It works, kids blowing bubble mix works too. If you can, remove the flotation bladder from the shell, blow it up , and use the soap bubble mixture to find the leak. You donk want to use straight dish soap because it too thick, but you can water it down. Let the tube blowing bubbles thru the leak show you where it is.
  6. Never fear parking on a hill again.
  7. I know, i must pass close to your place on my way to morraine , you ever have any luck on the wipers there. I also fish Oil Creek a lot, generally near petroleum center
  8. I got em done and im mailing them today
  9. http://www.charliesflybox.com/flybox/detail2.cfm?parentID=38 i hope this helps.
  10. I got em mailed today. theres a few extra for the swapmister.
  11. I got the flies mailed out today. I call em my don king egg.
  12. The flies are done, i will be mailing them today or tomorrow. Joe
  13. flies are done, pm the address thanks Joe
  14. Are there any size restrictions? I was thinking of doing a 20-22 olive paraloop griffiths gnat kind of fly if that ok.
  15. The flies are almost ready, you said something about postal rates going up in canada, is $3 us gonna be enough to cover the cost?(I dont think i have enough canadian pennies ,but i did find a 1903 usa indian head penny in my change last week )
  16. Larva lace is hollow like a straw, jelly rope is a solid.
  17. Is hockey that thing that happens when two icefishermen get into a fight?
  18. Here is an example of a bead head pattern http://www.charliesflybox.com/flybox/detail2.cfm?parentID=28 Its is just one of the many ways a beadhead can be used in a fly.
  19. Since ive alyays been a bit of a railroad buff, i cant resist doing a pattern called a Coal Car.
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