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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by Njardar

  1. According to Charlie at Tight Lines Fly Shop in De Pere, Wi they are just starting the run there. We went to the Kewaunee hatchery and watched some of them trying to get home in the hatchery. What an impressive fish! I can only imagine (because I ran out of time) what it is like to catch one on a fly rod. Must be an incredible rush! - Charlie
  2. Simple solution, take your wife with you. There's no way you'll walk out with an $800 rod.
  3. [ http://dnr.wi.gov/fish/species/trout/trout_maps/Manitowoc_color_portrait.pdf Charlie western wisconsin has better streams than eastern. I always like going to the big green. Thanks for the suggestion, unfortunately I'm trying to squeeze in flyfishing on a brief trip to WI. I will keep in mind for the next time. - Charlie
  4. Thank you for the suggestion, it turned out being expensive I checked out his website and ended up with a closeout Echo Ion 8wt and Pat heavily discounted a demo reel. The only thing I paid fulll price on was the line, he threw in the backing for free. What I great person to deal with! He said if I called back a week to week and a half before my trip he'd tell me what was running. - Charlie
  5. Does anyone know if there is any fly fishing near Manitowoc or Kewaunee counties in Wisconsin? In late September I'll be camping at Devils River campground in Maribel and would like to fly fish if there is anything in the area. Any links to Wisconsin fly fishing websites would also be appreciated. What I've found so far have not been useful. Thanks in advance! - Charlie
  6. Njardar

    Allen Hooks

    I've dealt with Justin several times and he's always made good on his offers. He's a busy guy and is sometimes out of pocket, but when he got back he responded. When I ordered 500 hooks it took him some time to pull the order togeather because he did not have enough of some hooks.
  7. I don't mean to throw cold water on your idea, but what will set your book apart from the countless others out there, and what is the incentive for me, or others, to have our name in print? Now that you are thinking about these questions, I have been watching your progress over the past several years and your dedication to the sport. You have talent and passion, and I'm sure that will come across in your book. One niche that comes to mind is writing a book that would appeal to your peers, young fly tyers and young fly fisherman. You can use your talents and experience to connect with your generation of fly tyers. As for the second part of my question, and depending on the direction of your book, I'd donate some of my flys so you can demonstrate what NOT to do. Good Luck - Charlie
  8. I wish I had made it to Stavanger when I was there several years ago, my relative talks about how beautiful the region is.
  9. Welcome, I'm sure you'll find a lot of usefule information here and I look forward to your contributions as well. Where in Norway are you from, my family emmigrated from Tysnes to the U.S.
  10. I'm interested in seeing the video as well and learning more about ditz2's board set up.
  11. BB, Thanks for hosting the swap, the outcome was fantastic! I can't wait for the "hard water" to go away so I can use them. As for the gift there is no need to send it, I'm very satisfied with what I have from the swap. Regards, - Charlie
  12. Had a surprise in the mailbox today... great job everyone! Now I have to wait for the warmer weather :crying:
  13. Thanks for the suggestions, I'll give them a try. - Charlie
  14. I have recently noticed that my PC no longer displays images embeded in forum messages, I don't even see an "X" placeholder. I've checked internet explorer options and they seem correct, any suggestions? As an example, I cannot see the image in this message. http://www.flytyingforum.com/index.php?showtopic=57505 - Charlie
  15. With the money you "saved" you could buy her something nice for valentines day.
  16. I'll Second that motion....just meet me at lake Murray Darrin DITTO - Charlie
  17. FF99, Thanks for posting this topic, it inspired me to make a light box yesterday and photographing flies and the jewelry my wife makes. - Charlie
  18. The only comment I have, and mind you this is being super critical, the depth of field does not cover the width of the fly. While the fly is in critical focus, the tips of a few of the foreground strands are not. I believe you have the depth of field but just need to focus on the portion of the fly in the foreground, the depth of field should cover the rest. That said, I wish I could do as well. - Charlie
  19. I recently purchased Justin's Alpha 5/6 reel and I'm very impressed with the quality. Still waiting on 1500 hooks and I'm sure the quality will be good. My impression is that Justin is very particular, which is appreciated. - Charlie
  20. Nicely done, I for one would like to know more about your setup (camera, lights, settings, etc.). I'm sure you've got a lot of information and like a jackass I'm all ears. - Charlie
  21. I use a Peak vise with the optional extension which is adjustable. You can find it online and get sime ideas. - Charlie
  22. Look for the empty bins in the store, those usually are the patterns that are selling. Don't forget to take into account seasonal variations. Have you considered asking the owners what sells and what they need? - Charlie
  23. Great flies and pictures, have you considered using a smaller f-stop (higher number) to increase the depth of field? - Charlie
  24. I placed an order last Sunday and a week later I'm still waiting. - Charlie
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