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Fly Tying

Fry Flier

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About Fry Flier

  • Rank
    Beginners Permit Required
  • Birthday 06/08/1957

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  • Location
    Quinte Region, Ontario

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  1. Had a rod just like this arrive at my house today, fantastic. Already put it together and dry tested in a rain downpour. Works well in the yard....lol
  2. Definitely cannot go wrong, colour combo great, rod builder fantastic
  3. That is a nice looking piece of work Steve.
  4. Nice looking rod bud Welcome back to the insane part of the world
  5. Thanks for the adventure bud, glad to see that the fish gods are siding with you.
  6. Happy New Years to all here, absentee tyer here. Has been a few years since my last tie on the vice.
  7. uHello JOE, not a ghost from the past, just not been around for a while. Eyes have gone and sold off my tying equipment and supplies. Furled leaders I have done and I ask what for or why braid. With the lack of stretch in braid I found that it is easy to lose the fish with a regular hook set and pulling the fly out of the mouth and lips of the fish. Braid to me is not the fly fishers friend unless you are going for toothy critters like pike and Muskie.
  8. wtg Steve, not as easy as some may think. I know exactly what you are going through, I myself have went from 366 pounds to 194 pounds. Feeling great and healthy to boot.
  9. One thing to remember when you mash down the barb and most Conservation Officers will try this. If the hook has a mashed down barb and they pass it through a cloth(normally a shirt sleeve) and the hook gets caught on the material or pulls material with a snag you can be fined and it will stick in court. Most C.O.'s will tell you that you need to do a better job on mashing them down if you are being a respectable angler/flyfisher.
  10. Yep, just send him $10 a ticket for your part Terry.
  11. A picture is worth 1000 words, so............
  12. works here after it says done are you clicking on the .....add into this post... button
  13. See this topic and go to the reply http://www.flytyingforum.com/index.php?sho...pid=246611&
  14. got to below the post box and you will see a file attachment area, browse and pick photo then click add this attachment. When it is done uploading you will see another prompt box that lets you add it to the post.
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