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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by JAMAL

  1. This are a killer pattern in Malaysia. where boat man's caught fish commercially. the way to use it, is drop all the way down with heavy weight. Then quickly pull up. The fish will bite. then wait for 5 min then repeat.Boat man caught many fish with it. Those fiber are selling in a provision shop at the fishing village and only this color. In Indonesia ,they are using a type of green rafia string tie to a hook.This color is not sold any where, only at the fishing village. I was so surprised that so much fish caught with it. interestingly, this fibre and green rafia only work in Malaysia and Indonesia. never in my country, anybody knows why?
  2. hi, I sold my Renzetti Traveller and the Apex vise. Now I have one vise only. That is the Renzetti Master Deluxe . it is marvellous. The Apex vise need cow strength to operate. So I get rid of them without any loss. I never tie any fly on it .So it is consider new.
  3. Hi, I sold my Renzetti traveller and the Apex vise. the Apex vise need a cow strength to operate. It need a lot force to lock the the hook.
  4. I bought the Renzetti Master Deluxe. slowly you will learn the goodness of it.
  5. I carry the Nikon D80 with Nikon105mm, Nikon 16-85mm, Nikon 12-24mm and the Nikon 50mm. I get somebody to modify my Nikon D70s to infrared camera. you can see those infrared camera at http://irbuzz.blogspot.sg/2008/03/featured-ir-photographer-showcase-haja.html http://www.flickr.com/photos/maideen
  6. hi, I got this book, most of the pattern is working, hence no need to think and think. http://www.saltwaterflies.com/saltwater_fly_patterns.jpg[/img]
  7. Hi. I just the bought the Renzetti Master Deluxe fly vise. It is marvellous. I also have the Renzetti Traveller and the Apex vise. Fill free to ask about the vise. my email is techbts#hotmail.com
  8. Hi. I just the bought the Renzetti Master Deluxe fly vise. It is marvellous. I also the Renzetti Traveller and the Apex vise. Fill free to ask about the vise. my email is techbts#hotmail.com
  9. bro, I heard . runing hot water on the feather will 'cure' it. try it bro.
  10. Hi, I am Jamal. from Singapore. I thought I am new to fly fishing. ghee it been 20 years already. I am on fly fishing. but I still think I am new. Recently hit by stroke. now got hard time casting the fly line. now I do spin cast, it is popular here in Singapore. where they use a small weight and spining rod to cast the fly. I am very interested in salt water and pattern do email me at techbts(at)hotmail.com.......................thanks bros
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