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Fly Tying


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  • Favorite Species
    Brook trout . Atlantic Salmon
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    St. John's,Newfoundland,Canada

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  1. A bit of candle wax in the thread spool holes stops the noise for me .
  2. Does anyone sell saddles for salmon dries in sizes 10 to 6 ? I have Whiting and Metz saddles but almost all are size 12 and smaller , Thanks ................Frank
  3. Does anyone sell fry fly saddles for hook sizes 10 to 6 for dry flies . I have Whitings and Metz but almost all are size 12 and smaller . Larger hackles are preferred for the big salmon dries . Any help will be appreciated . Thanks.............Frank
  4. Great gift . Would like to see it when you have it ready to go to work .
  5. Does anyone else use coastal deer hair for smaller Muddlers ? Pros/cons appreciated .
  6. No problem with thread strength . Just don't like the colour Veevus calls fluorescent green . I will just use Veevus 16/0 white with a fluor green marker . I use it on small Humpies so wanted as small a thread as I could find .
  7. Anyone know of a fluorescent green thread comparable to Veevus 16/0 size ? I tried Veevus fluor green thread but don't like it . Thanks.............Frank
  8. I've never had this problem with my HMH Standard since new in 1987 . I am sure HMH will correct it for you once they are aware of the problem though .......Frank
  9. Try some Humpies too , the Orange is good for salmon .........Frank
  10. I use squirrel for many salmon flies . I precut the hair before attaching to the hook . I also put a drop of thin head cement at the tie-in point and tie the hair in two steps . While firmly holding the hair at the base with thumb and forefinger I take two or three wraps of flattened Danville 6/0 on the lower half of the hair and then make wraps around the remainder . Use enough pressure and with a bit of practice the hair will not pull out .
  11. Mike : Nice patterns for sure . If you fish Nfld bring many flies of this type . Are they on Bartleet Supreme or maybe Daiichi 2161 ? ..........Frank
  12. I have a few of them on the bench - the best bobbin I have ever used .......Frank
  13. Jens : Your PM did not reach me . You might want to try sending another ; hopefully it will work this time . Happy New Year ..........Frank
  14. A belated Merry Christmas to everyone . Jens I am sure that Blue Charm would work well on the Atlantics in our rivers.....Frank
  15. It is a well tied nice looking fly for sure . Great job ........Frank
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